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Everything posted by monty

  1. G'day Andrew, Welcome to Recreational Flying, Great to have you and look forward to your Questions and comments. I am reasonably new at this myself but there is a lot of experience on this site with some great people. Hope you enjoy it. Monty
  2. Hi Lightspeed Welcome along, I hope you enjoy the site and good luck with tidying up the sapphire. Would like to see some before and after photos.there is a wealth of knowledge on here for the asking. Monty
  3. Hi Loro, welcome and I hope you enjoy the site. Don't be shy tell us how you feel about things in the forums. Glad you saw the light and came over to RAA. Monty
  4. Hi John, welcome along there are a lot of aviators here and all fly different types of aircraft so you will fit in just fine. Good to have your son flying too!I hope you enjoy the site and the forums. Monty
  5. Hey kevin, It sounds like you have a busy life at the moment. Welcome to the site and hope you enjoy it. As scotty said how about some pics of the build. Monty
  6. Hey Yoda Welcome along, It doesn't matter what you fly as long as it is in the air. Hope you enjoy the site and the great people here. Monty
  7. Hi Dave, I have aIcom A22E in my Drifter and always turn it on when ever there is an aircraft in the area. A small country town so I can here if one is around. Monty
  8. Welcome griffio, I hope you enjoy the site.It doesn't matter where in the world you live We all talk flying. Glad you decided to get back in to it. Hope to here more of the griffio story. Monty
  9. Yippees, Yippees, Howrah!!!! Great stuff Flightygirl, Not long now and you will have your certificate."ENJOY" Monty
  10. Hi Turbo, I don't really think that anyone was picking on cloudsuck Directly just his comments as to who's fault it is if your licence expires because he did not receive a renewal. And I can't understand why 8000 pilots would phone RAA to see where the renewal is. You don't need a renewal to pay your licence. My wife paid mine with BPay and used my licence no and name for a reference and my new licence came in the mail. A friend of mine sent in a cheque two weeks before it was due and his licence came in the mail. it isn't rocket science Just pay it before the expiry date. You can also ring and give credit card details over the phone. If I personally have given the impression that I was picking on Cloudsusk then I do apologize that was not my intention. I was just commenting and giving my opinion on comments posted on a public forum. Monty
  11. I'm with you Tomo, Wats dat? We got 2.5mm the other night acording to the weather site. But the dust didn't know we got it. Monty
  12. Top stuff Areo, You will have to find a lady that likes boats and planes.(And a real good bank account) Remember me if she has a sister. Monty
  13. hey Jeff Foo, Welcome to the site, I am sure you will get all the advice you are looking for in our forums. Glad that you made the decision to start recreational flying it is a great deal of fun and I am sure that your family will love it. hope to here more from you! what do you the rest of the family do? Monty
  14. Laughed my guts out!! Simple but Funnnnny! Monty
  15. Hey bwill157, Welcome along. Glad to here you have a passion for flying. Definitely go the RAAF it's a great life. You will find an Instructor at Woodstock near Townsville for your taildragger endorsement I think his name is Steve 0414304893 It might be worth a try!! I hope you enjoy the site there is a lot of good info and great people here. Monty
  16. Thanks Planey, Wish your nephew good luck for the test flight. I hope all goes well for him. Monty
  17. Thank You jetjr, Very Simply put and easy to understand!! Monty
  18. hahaha!! Made me laugh. Monty
  19. Welcome along Lexman, Good on ya with the Wife mate! I have to agree with my fellow aviators concentrate on the flying for now and decide on the aircraft later. You will have a better idea what is for you then. Keep us informed how it is going. And buy the Wife a big box of chocolates. Monty
  20. "Dalby", It's on my calendar with bells on!! Can't wait, I will be the old, short, fat, bald guy with glasses and the wife that has no interest in being there.hahaha! And MrH, I went to the cape last September and you could have driven a mini up there just a bit of corrugation! Monty
  21. Welcome tazzidevil, Hope you enjoy the site,there is something here for everyone.Good luck with the training and keep us informed on how things are going. Monty
  22. Welcome Aero, There are plenty of builders here so you will probably get lots of questions or answers. I hope you enjoy the site and don't forget to tell us how your new project is going. Also the Areo story single,married kids,ect. Monty
  23. Hey Allegro, Glad to have you along. Hope you enjoy the forums and give some input good or bad. please tell us the Allegro2000 story Eg; flying yet, experience, family? Enjoy the site and don't be shy. Monty
  24. QUOTE;From Cloudsuck "You are missing the point" "This is not an administrative error, it is incompetence" "Why do people on this forum accept this kind of poor administration" A bit of a contradiction Yes!! I think the point is being missed. Not by me though Yes!! it is NOT a postage error and never was It is about one's own responsibility not RAAust I will agree to disagree!! Monty
  25. Dave not a very long way to go, It will fly past. No pun intended. monty
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