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Everything posted by monty

  1. We need more blokes like you mat!! Extremely well written and I think the thoughts of most aviators out there. I applaud YOU. Well Done Mat Monty
  2. Welcome Along Christian, It sounds like you are a very busy bloke, I hope you enjoy the site and get your solo in real soon.I will try and get there in September, depends on funds as I am going to Dalby in August. Keep us informed on your progress mate. Monty
  3. Thanks for that Ian Monty
  4. What happend Kiwi? That looks like Wayne fishers hanger?? Monty
  5. Thanks for sharing that Winsor, Thats pretty cool and compact for cheap flying. Monty
  6. Hahahaha!!! very good. 8/10
  7. On ya buddy, when you get you licence try a few different types of ac and decide what you want to do. fly for distance, speed, or wind in your face fun. Then you will get what you want the first time. Have fun and keep us posted on how you are going with the lessons. Monty
  8. Hi Darky, When I did my radio at the start of last year it was a written multiple choice real easy. So was the human factor exam I just read the book and did the exam, Multiple choice also. Monty
  9. Thanks Pete, That was not to bad would of been good to see in person. Monty
  10. I will get back to S.A. one day, I spent some time at Edinburgh in the RAAF back in 1977/78., A lovely place. I didn't get a lot of time to myself for sightseeing but it would be nice I am sure. Monty
  11. Good on ya sseeker, Keep it up and keep us informed how you are going.Great stuff!! Monty
  12. Hi frankmcm, It's all about the fun ,there has to some bad or we wouldn't know the good. I bet you had fun anyway!!!! Monty
  13. So true So true, And my wife agrees!! Monty
  14. monty


    yes a little bit funny but you can do better. I know i can't. haha monty
  15. Thanks Doug, Told it to the wife and we laughed like hell.10/10 Monty
  16. Hi Friarpuk, I use a clear plastic hose I got from a hydraulic place. I just changed it at my 100 hrs service which was 14 months and it was still fine. A little stiff but not brittle and not yellow just a bit discoloured. not sure what type it is just ask your hydraulic guy and tell him you want it for fuel. That's what I did, works for me. hope it helps Monty
  17. Hi Bruce welcome along, What an awesome adventure that would have been! I don't think my Drifter would jump that big of a puddle. (A pity) Hope you enjoy the site, how about some photos of the trip? you must have some great shots Monty
  18. G'day ozzie, I am one of those puddle jumpers in my Drifter 3.5nm from the airport. Although I jump some real big puddles sometimes! It doesnt worry me but there are a few around here that it will. with the added cost of the equipment and the nearest Flight instructor is about 500klms away so thats a 1000 klms round trip to get qualified that amounts to a fair bit.Young kids save and save just to get a licence and something to fly,they can't afford the extra expence. It cost a lot to do your training in one block and accomadation because there is no one out here. I wonder if Raa or casa will help finance the changes I THINK NOT!! Just my thoughts Monty
  19. Welcome Richard,Hope you enjoy the site, as you said a lot of great info here. It sounds like a great family business. I was 48 when i took it up 16 months ago. I hope to here more about Goolwa Rec Flying School, what state is it in and where ? Monty
  20. welcome to the site Cheyenne, can't wait for the photos of your next trip. I hope you enjoy the site it's a great place with great people. Monty
  21. thanks Riverduk, laughed my guts out mate. 10/10 Monty
  22. Thanks Graemek, It gets a bit confusing some times. It wont affect me as I use it all the time anyway but it will affect some others out here. Monty
  23. Please excuse the ignorance of a dumb novice aviator, I fly a Drifter from my home strip (paddock) it is 3.5mile from the Winton airport that I believe to be a registered airstrip it was CTAF, I have A radio and qualified to use it and I use it every time No exceptions. But does that mean that all ultralights within 10 mile of Winton need to carry radios now because there are a few that don't. I have looked at the changes and find it tells that you do and also that you don't I am confused. Can any one clarify this for me. I am not as dumb as this sounds (I think!!) Monty
  24. Welcome Mick, The more in the sport the better, Sounds like a great plane. I fly a Victa lawn mower myself but it is all about the fun. I hope you enjoy the site there is heaps of info and great people here. Monty
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