I was in Bright in NE victoria recently, when returning to Bright through Myrleford I picked up a para glider with all his gear. For those who may not know, Bright is a Meccca for para gliders and hang gliders.
I asked how far he had gone, and he replied that he was not sure, he launched at Bright, and as he had no recording device, could not tell, but indicated that he had flown over a swamp before he turned back towards Bright, landing in Glerowan, I take the swamp to be Lake Makoan, now Winton wetlands. He did however, say that he had reached 2600 metres.
It was busy weekend for air traffic, a couple of planes at Porpunka, including an RV9, a Jab 230 and trikes, and a Warrior and Cessna 172 at Brown Bros, both of which he would have flown over.
The para glider's route would also have taken him through the training areas for both Wangaratta and Bennalla,
So I asked how he kept in touch with the traffic, did he monitor the area CTAF?
He seemed a bit confused, so I explained what it was, he said no, that he kept in touch with other gliders on discrete UHF channel, and that he had seen a number of powered aircraft.
I nearly ran off the road, not only was he in a high potential traffic area, but his altitude would be getting very close the step into Albury, and he did not display any concern.
From what I have learned this is standard operation for this type of aircraft, although I did mention Oz Runways to him, so at least he could see where he has been.
So a word of advice, if you fly into Porpunka, get there before 10 am, particularly on warm days, as after that you will be fighting for air space with oblivious gliders.