Yeah, I've been doing some research, and looking beyond the standard fare put out by RAAus, CASA and the ATSB. I think if you do some research, and keep your ears and eyes open, you'll find in reality the Recreational Aviation Australia has more of a hand in the investigation of a fatal crash, than just providing assistance to the police. The level of expertise and integrity of the information and advice they provide would also be questionable. That could also be applied to both CASA and the ATSB. Evidence does not have to be released to the general public, but should be correctly examined and leads followed up on. It's understandable that the above organisations would not be prepared to investigate things too deeply, with the risk of implicating themselves. The recent Coroners Report was quite good considering the constraints placed on the reports, but still leaves a number of questions unanswered. Also, there may be a number of reasons why it was a bit more thorough than usual. Cheers