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Everything posted by NotSoSuperSonic

  1. Would that be worth any good? CASA allows RAAus to investigate its own accidents.
  2. "Jared will also tap into the technical advisory network, a panel of experienced engineers and LAMEs" Quoted from the announcement from RAAus. If the CASA authorised person is such a critical role, surely they'd have someone from their panel of experienced engineers and LAMEs who could step in as a back-up?
  3. "Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again" - Don Vito Corleone. Management might have been getting some advice from their "Consultants".
  4. No worries Neil. "Arrghs" was used because it sort of sounds like the word spelt by the acronym A.R.S.E. (Attack Radar System Envelope), which you can't say on here. An alternative is to use a synonym for Donkey - Ass. So the options are A.R.S.E. covering or Ass covering. The referred article in the latest Sport Pilot magazine is the "Normalisation of Deviance" article on page 30. It garnered from someone else, the response of "Farking Hypocrites!". Sadly, further information of what triggered that response cannot be shared on a public forum, but a number of people are in the know of what has occurred, and the failings of the RAAus management in the basics of aviation. What has saved the RAAus management and some of their mates so far, is not their professionalism, as there appears to be a deficit in that department, but the actions, dedication and passion of the wider aviation community. Cheers
  5. Correction...It looks like an article in the latest Sport Pilot magazine is their latest effort at Track Removal and Arrghs Covering. P.S. Can anyone please advise on where to send an Invoice for the direct and indirect provision of "Training and Consultation" to RAAus management? Cheers
  6. It's known they were caught out on quite a Clusterfark, and have tried to cover their tracks. Some of their last efforts of track removal where just after the Ingham PDP.
  7. No worries. Was wondering if KJ may have been getting close to being thrown under the bus by management, to save the hides of a few others.
  8. Yeah KJ.
  9. Out of curiosity, does anyone know why the Safety Officer/Manager departed RAAus last year?
  10. Yeah, Nah this one's special, and it's the only one they've really used the phrase for. Which the other schools probably don't mind, as the whole thing's a bit embarrassing.
  11. RAAus management have been caught out multiple times "Spinning more BullSheet than a Cattle Truck in a rollover". Trademark pending. Cheers
  12. What a mob of Tossers!
  13. As they say - "There's more than one way to skin a cat" Cheers
  14. Whether a fee is charged or not, the RAAus management and their comrades actions have tarnished the phrase and potentially aviation, and their actions go against any genuine aviator ethos. Also, do we know if the CEO and Board are actually running show, excluding CASA and more lower end individual members/customers in the equation? Cheers
  15. Might be the RAAus managements redefined meaning of "Transparency".
  16. No worries Head in the Clouds. It just a shame they couldn't think of something original, as it appears a bit poor form.
  17. Ad/Web Glyphs for Exhibitors | EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Is "AirVenture" a trademark registered to the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc.? Weblink was a return for a Google search of - airventure trademark.
  18. By having it trade marked, the phrase has lost its essence, or whatever you want to call it, now. RAAus management have already used the phrase to promote themselves and a flying school close to their heart, and possibly wallet, on a Facebook post.
  19. Might be "Stacking the Deck"?
  20. The RAAus kill rates stated above are not really accurate indicators of the managements commitment to safety. One of the hierarchy recently stated "Actions speak louder than words". The actions and inactions of upper levels of this organisation have at times sounded warnings loud and clear, that caution should be taken before allowing them to be responsible for increased areas in aviation. Cheers
  21. I didn't know Paul Poberezny was still alive and hiding in Australia. Whoever wrote the first post reckons they helped establish AirVenture. Wonder if they let ol'Jack know they've "Borrowed" the name. It's an insult to the EAA otherwise. Cheers
  22. Cheers for that Soleair, much appreciated. Think I had the spelling wrong and it was meant to be "Senate" or something. It was pinched from a puff piece where it didn't make sense there either. Cheers
  23. There's still a heap, keen to get out there and do shite, challenge themselves and have an adventure. Part of the problem is, there's no real awareness provided to the wider community on what aviation in Australia has to offer. - They don't know the benefits to communities it can bring, - The multiple facets that make up the world of aviation (it stretches across everything from small model kits, R.C. models, UAV's, full-size ultralight, light, heavy, fast, slow, rocketry, space vehicles,etc), - The potentials for innovation in engineering, technology, business,etc. that apply to more than just aviation, - They don't realise/know that Australian's have played pioneering roles in aviation, helping bring many positives to across the world, and have done/achieved things even Hollywood hasn't thought of. An example of this would be, most people crossing the Sidney Cotton bridge near Proserpine, NQ wouldn't know who he is. We don't hear more of our everyday aviation heroes and characters. Maybe there's no real aviators anymore, no one inspiring, no visionaries, no leaders. Maybe they are just pilots and some self-glorified machinery operators. We are handicapped by the current Mob steering the ship, that appear to lack navigation skills and common sense, risking putting us onto the rocks, but they can be trained and guided. Worst case, we channel Somali Pirates and bring them back to the heading that's needed for Aviation and its communities to prosper and grow in Australia. My apologies if the above doesn't make any sense, and could be way off track. Had a bit of a "Sanate" earlier (still need to Google it), and haven't had a coffee this morning. Cheers
  24. The AirForce Cadets also do Powered Flying, and at Amberley, they were able to get involved in Radio Control aircraft (perfect for keeping the aviation bug biting at a low cost, whilst building the foundations of airmanship).
  25. G'day All. Just wondering if I might be able to ask the views of the panel? Long story short, I'm an ex GA pilot looking to get into recreational aircraft, with the goal of eventually building my own. Tail-end of last year I Googled flying schools in the area and decided to go out and have a squiz and a yarn. Being new to RA, I'm not too sure on the rules and regulations for the different registrations, but one of the aircraft triggered a "What The Fark !?...Mob of Dodgy Can'ts!" response. Just wondering if this is considered a serviceable or unserviceable condition, and common for RAAus aircraft? Also, the corroded Flaperon hanger assembly did not appear to have any bearing or bush fitted, so the whole mechanism wobbled like an Elvis impersonator with Parkison's. Is this normal? Cheers
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