There's still a heap, keen to get out there and do shite, challenge themselves and have an adventure. Part of the problem is, there's no real awareness provided to the wider community on what aviation in Australia has to offer. - They don't know the benefits to communities it can bring, - The multiple facets that make up the world of aviation (it stretches across everything from small model kits, R.C. models, UAV's, full-size ultralight, light, heavy, fast, slow, rocketry, space vehicles,etc), - The potentials for innovation in engineering, technology, business,etc. that apply to more than just aviation, - They don't realise/know that Australian's have played pioneering roles in aviation, helping bring many positives to across the world, and have done/achieved things even Hollywood hasn't thought of. An example of this would be, most people crossing the Sidney Cotton bridge near Proserpine, NQ wouldn't know who he is.
We don't hear more of our everyday aviation heroes and characters. Maybe there's no real aviators anymore, no one inspiring, no visionaries, no leaders. Maybe they are just pilots and some self-glorified machinery operators.
We are handicapped by the current Mob steering the ship, that appear to lack navigation skills and common sense, risking putting us onto the rocks, but they can be trained and guided. Worst case, we channel Somali Pirates and bring them back to the heading that's needed for Aviation and its communities to prosper and grow in Australia.
My apologies if the above doesn't make any sense, and could be way off track. Had a bit of a "Sanate" earlier (still need to Google it), and haven't had a coffee this morning. Cheers