I believe that is not unusual Bilby... This is the whole crux of self-regulating. Even the Airlines are self-regulated these days.
The recent fiasco is not strictly three or four failed audits... rather one audit that discovered some problems, and 2 or 3 follow ups that showed no progress on fixing the problems leading to a more in-depth investigation showing the terrible mess that has finally come to light.
Makes it sound more like Sport than organized murder... lol
That is a lot of down elevator deflection on liftoff... I wonder how much control movement they have left for unusual situations.
Hey FT...
Where did you get the new Chopper... Is it any good? How much power does it have? Is it your first chopper or have you had a few to compare?
I have flown quite a few of the little Contra rotating choppers over the years until recently when I got myself a Dick Smith $89 fixed pitch chopper (cyclic control but uses electric motor for altitude) a few months ago and have flown the axxe of it and am ready for something with a bit more performance (and collective)... This cheap little chopper is so much fun and was a great challenge to learn to hover, nose in and out, and then transition to circuits... in calm wind only. I seem to have it tamed now.
Sorry about the crappy photo...
Hey Ozzie... He is Saint Middo now according to some of the BS I have read... lol
The view seems a bit deluded to me once you scratch the surface... I know plenty of people who work hard... If you don't have a clue it is just a waste of time and in some cases money.
Unless it is 19 regoed... in which case is it still technically a Drifter?
If it is under 24 it was my understanding that in order to be "legal" the aircraft had to be maintained in the same condition as when it left the factory...
This is a whole can of worms within Ra-Aus... and many may not like it... but it is what it is until we change it. Just ignoring it will not make it go away... and in fact has recently resulted in a whole heap of trouble for Ra-Aus which it seems many people from the very top to the bottom still don't get.
I think the words quoted as written by the then Tech Manager at the bottom of the file as he renewed the rego (explanation accepted) to be very, very interesting...
Last rego renewal issued 8.02.2012
What could this mean?
That way I see it... this is another form of apathy that Zibi's postings show...
The old..."I don't know what the problems are but just on the face of it I won't support it"... Z has NOW looked into the issue... BUT... his initial posts were the usual place head firmly in sand variety. You don't just ignore the cow and tell it to go away.
Anyway... He is over it now... as am I.
Best not to comment on something so eagerly when you don't know what you are posting about... I certainly appreciate the explanation but would appreciate it if you would do your research BEFORE posting next time or you could do some real damage.
I don't understand why a fellow aviator would make half a dozen posts about this issue trying to defend this action group... Pretty stunned actually... and when the arguments are pointed out as not valid... would actually take the time to research and attempt badly to defend the position.
Not welcome at all in my life... Bloody incredible really!!!
I guess this is the sort of BS you guys are up against... A very selfish and self righteous attitude based upon what it best for ME ME ME regardless.... In fact this sort of BS is a problem for society as a whole these days.
Well done whoever you are.
What about the Quicksilver Ultralight?
To quote one of the websites it " became so popular it outsold Cesna, Piper, and Beechcraft combined and has since earned the moniker, "The Cessna of the Ultralight Industry"
IMO the different yoke/stick combinations are nothing to worry about at all. In fact I can't remember even thinking about it besides during start up when trying a different set up.... Once you open the throttle it is forgotten for good.
Ozzie... Do you mean the pilot most likely flew the canopy beyond it capabilities leading to a collapse? And then stuffed up the recovery?
And what is an RSL?
The AUDIT pretty much finishes with these words...
"CASA has little confidence that the corrective actions applied from previous audits are having any measurable effect in correcting this issue with the result that it has grave concerns about the reliability of the data contained in the aircraft registration files maintained by Ra-Aus. These concerns are amplified as further deficiency has been identified in the current aircraft registration process in the last three months. This is further exacerbated by the age of the current Ra-AUS Technical Manual version and the absence of detailed procedures for such things as the grounding of Ra-Aus aircraft due to safety concerns or the maintenance and administration of the current aircraft file record system"
Not for much longer Doug according to the article from the Operations Team... I agree with what they say in that landing characteristics are the more important factor... What worries me is the financial cost to flying schools and members from this change.