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About wizzard1964

  • Birthday 22/04/1964


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  1. There used to be an on-line version of VTC's etc, but I have not been able to find them latley :(
  2. A mate of mine was in Viet-nam, he said they attached some big gun to the helicopter that was in use. When they fired it the first time the helicopter stalled!
  3. That is the coolest thing I have ever seen! I Love it, I watched the video, it gave me goosebumps! I will recomend all my flying mates see this asap!! Wiz
  4. I noticed the cup holders are above the "laptop", a bit dangerous.... You would hope most items are spill proof?? wg
  5. One of the reasons for the longer Barrell in they suposedly got sick of machining the stock .040 over size commodore pistons down by .05mm. I learnt this when I had to replace one piston earlier this year.... If you compare an unmachined piston, I had both in hand. We wondered why there was visible difference. As far as I know compression difference, is achieved by different "indent" in the top of the piston. It makes replacement Barrells and pistons a bit tricky.. wg
  6. 300 400 450D are genrally consumer level camerasyou pneed at least (Ithink the current one is a 60D) it sort of entry level pro, I have its predesseror, a 40D its pretty damn good. There was 20D then 40D then 50D now 60D... its their middle of the range cameras "semi Pro"
  7. Usually a good turn out to the monthly BBQ, weather permiting . . . . . Meeting at 11am BBQ 12 noon wg
  8. What was the name of the app? I had a quick look and found several! W G
  9. Sunday, theres one on next week,21-11 and the AGM . . . Warick
  10. www.jabiru.net.au
  11. Theres one at Palmers Island (4NM from Yamba) in NSW ... as well
  12. You will be made very welcome at Boonah, especially at the Flying Tigers. You can camp there short term. You'd need to arrive on the weekend for best results. There is a Caravan park in town where you can camp longer... No water hole but beautiful scenery. Club facilities available during weekend and public toilets only during week. Its a magnificent flight from here (Boonah) to Murwillumbah... Cherabah resort, (Leave from Boonah) would be worth a look as well (They have their own airstrip), they have accomodation and cater for day visitors. If you come during the 3rd weekend of the month you can join in for the monthly BBQ Lunch at the Tigers club!! wg
  13. Weather looked bad, but a couple of pilots "braved" the cold, weather was quite ok.... Food was good as ever. the few that were there enjoyed the day....
  14. I went to K-Mart or similar and purchased an extra-large "pencil case" Its about the size of an average notebook computer, has a "ring binder" inside to hold anything you want to punch holes in. It fits many maps, a couple of rulers, large flight computer etc etc. Its basically a material covered folder.. and cost somewhere aroung $15.00 ... As long as you don't mind the "sufie" motifs on the outside.... It fits comfortably behind the seat or on the passenger floor...
  15. I fly my own aircraft, (Jabiru) the engine is air cooled, therfore I don't do touch and goes..... the taxi back to take of position warms the engine again ready for full power (Glide approach, cools engine)... A number of my pilot friends won't do touch ang goes for the same reason.... In my view a full landing teaches more... A touch and go in my jab would actually be easier... I think my landings have improved due to "full" landings in practice..
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