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Everything posted by ScottB

  1. That's the plan. I've thought seriously about buying something like an Aeronca Champ and doing my flight training in that. Lots of them available here for around $20-25K US.
  2. Thanks, I'll check it out. 13 degrees f here today. But after spending 13 years in the Southeastern US, I'll take a Montana winter over an Atlanta GA summer any day.
  3. I am looking for something with good STOL capability, ease of build, and affordability. A couple that seem to meet those criteria are the Kitfox and the Zenith STOL 750.
  4. Not a pilot yet, but I've had a lifetime of interest in aviation. Finally decided I'd put it off long enough, and I'm looking to start pilot training. My main interests have primarily been experimental/home built.
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