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Everything posted by snarf007

  1. I had a 4 month hiatus from flying and went with my local instructor last week for a refresher. I knew I was rusty, but had no idea that I would be that rusty. Booked another hour this weekend and It amazes me that I always learn something when I fly with a CFI. Keep safe
  2. Russell told me about the fly-in on Sunday, unfortunately I only had Saturday free. I booked your Sportstar, but it had battery issues and thankfully Russell’s Tecnam was available. When I visited the wind was about 5 to 10kts from the ESE and I landed on 14. For the flight back I took one look at the high ground to the south, the trees and the posibility of rotors scared me and I took off from 32. Frans
  3. I managed to go for my first “100$ Hamburger” on Saturday. Hired ProSky Maryborough’s Tecnam Sierra and went for lunch at the Lagoons 1770 Resort and Spa in Agnes Waters. Could not have asked for better flying weather and lunch. The Resort and restaurant is a 5min walk from YAWT and the caretaker was kind enough to give me a lift there.
  4. That is so cool!
  5. Welcome. The Nav endorcement is a lot of fun.
  6. Sad news. The EAB rules in South Africa allows for profesionally built aircraft and there is no 51% requirement. There are companies like Robin Cross Aviation building RV’s and Super Cubs. The article reads that they lost radar contact with the aircraft at 15:30. Hopefully the radar data will shed some light on the cause. I am surprized that there is radar coverage in that part of the Eastern Cape (Ciskei).
  7. Pilot told a paramedic that a thermal/gust of wind caused him to stall shortly after take-off.
  8. The above is correct. You will also need to do the RAA theory exams and flight review. Ramjet- I have heard of too many pilots that started PPL training and after many-many hours and $$$$ have not even Solo-ed. Seems like some schools just milk recreational ‘PPL’ students. I am thinking of converting to PPL, but would not even know where to start looking for a GA school. I don’t want to pay for a low time istructor that is building hours, my time and money is too valuable for that!
  9. I also had an interest in the Lightning. It ticks all the right boxes, but after Turboplanner’s post I did a Goolgle search. 150 build according to wikipedia. Found 6 accidents on the ASN website; 2 Jab engine failures, 1 ULPower failure after electic bus short, 2 landing and 1 take-off accidents. Wonder how many accidents are not on the website?
  10. Every time I had a connecting flight through Johannesburg in South-Africa, I had something stollen. Once had my suit and shoes stollen and only discovered the theft as I was getting ready to attend a friends wedding in rural Yorkshire. I had to wear my chinos and golf shirt to a very posh British wedding. Wonder if ASIC has decreased luggage theft in Australia? As a South African that has lived in Canada and now Austraia, I can truly say that the ASIC is the most useless thing I have ever seen and makes no sense to me. Rest of the world only airport and airline staff needs background checks and rightfully so.
  11. OzRunways is a handy tool to have and worth getting even if you are not going to use it in flight, AOPA Pilots Touring Guide is great add-on. For my RAA XC endorcement I printed relevant ERSA information and airport diagrams from OzRunways and it was fun comparing my paper flight plans to the electronic one. OzRunways is also integrated with NAIPS, so no clumsy online interface Electronic flight bags are amazing and have changed flying for the better. Also a great safety feature is that if you leave a flight note with someone, you can send them a link that allows them to track you in real time on-line (as long as you have got 3g coverage).
  12. A friend recently stayed over-night at Agness Waters and enjoyed it. $50 landing fee though.
  13. I want to see the evidence of using an isolated neck circumference to justify the expense of a sleep study..... Sleep apnoea has got some significant implications in patients that are going to receive an anaesthetic, so anaesthetists use a simple clinical tool called STOP-BANG to assess patients S- Snoring T- Tired even after a good nights rest O- Observed apnoea by partner P- Pressure, hx of elevated blood pressure B- Body Mass Index over 35 A- Age over 50 N- Neck circumference over 43cm in men and 41cm in women G- Gender male If you score 3 or more, there is a good chance that you have sleep apnoea. The Official STOP-Bang Questionnaire Website
  14. I found the following article from Vans Aircraft quite informative https://www.vansaircraft.com/pdf/hp_limts.pdf
  15. Love the sensationalist reporting at the end about how it could have been far worse......
  16. Gympie needs it own dedicated CTAF frequency. 126.7 gets very congested and I have missed radio calls due to multiple aircraft transmitting at the same time.
  17. I mostly fly a SportStar that I rent from a local flying school, that great visibily does come at a cost. I used to fly with an Ipad 2 and the glare made it very hard to use in flight. Upgraded to an Ipad pro earlier this year and do not have any issues with glare or readibility in direct sunlight.
  18. OzRunways on IPAD pro and Iphone 6+, no problems with glare or readability in sunlight. Ozrunways is very intuative and easy to use. Buy the subscription from the OzRunways website and not the Itunes store. They have got a free 3 month trial subscription. Screen lock is nice function. OzRunways have got WindyTV and BOM radar embedded in the app Played with AVplan on a friends IPad and did not like it.
  19. The following videos appeared on my Youtube feed yesterday....
  20. 2000 and 3000hr inspections look expensive and then every 500 to 1000hrs. It must affect the resale value and operating cost for a flight school that puts lots of hours on an aircraft. Read somewhere that the sportstar airframes has got a design lifespan of 6000hrs?
  21. Welcome Flyflyfly. XC is a fun endorcement, enjoy.
  22. I remember seeing a similar thread on Vansairforce and it is pure luck if you find a non-aviation unit that does not create noise. Steinair buys a cheap switching unit and do their own modification to it. The $20 question is what modifications do they do?
  23. Welcome Isak130. Have you considered RAA? Much cheaper and you can conver to RPL at a later stage.
  24. This was one of the best events I have ever attended. Sad to hear they are taking a break next year.
  25. Envious of everyone flying in. It is a 4hour drive from Hervey Bay and I have got 2 small kids in the car. Thankfully it is show holiday on the the Fraser coast today and there is no rush to get there.
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