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Everything posted by VoodooForce

  1. The place where I must rego my land craft no longer sends snail mail letters and stickers colour coded by year with large numerals displaying the rego expiry/due month. When asked they claim sending a letter prior to the due date is a courtesy and not a requirement. No one operates said vehicles with these stickers anymore. I paid online but got nothing by post in receipt. IIRC the only correspondence I received was from the insurance company as a reminder. It is progress.
  2. plane had landed from Adelaide => Renmark and had only been airborne for < 90 s
  3. Rossair grounds all flights, confirms chief pilot among three dead in Riverland crash and CASA representative Stephen Guerin
  4. I may be misreading this but if you mean you can only do the survey once on a particular machine you may just have to clear the cookies out of your browser. This is how many sites 'enforce' single use.
  5. Anecdotal but I have watched all episodes of Mayday/Air Crash Investigators and do not recall any episode that occurred solely on Australian Territory.
  6. Not sure if this has been noted but the prop was found The link on the front page mentioned a "crime scene"
  7. Canberra Airport hits out at 'disgraceful', 'grubby' safety claims.The Canberra Times quote not mine.
  8. I wonder if the pilot was trying to make it to the road marked "37"?
  9. Pilot details on ABC news. Very unfortunate.
  10. The ABC is reporting a light plane crash at Loxton, SA. The pilot walked away with minor injuries.
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