Maps for Garmin handhelds
G'day AJ,
All is not lost, almost anything can be done but it usually involves a lot of difficult, technical work. Google is your Friend :thumb_up:
I have a similar Garmin handheld, the eTrex Vista HCx, which does all that I want. It got me to Narromine and back, no problems. The first thing I did was abandon the supplied maps and downloaded the ShonkyMaps (Shonkymaps by Shonkylogic) to my PC which can then be uploaded to the GPS via MapSource that Slarti mentioned. Don't be put off by the name, the level of detail in his maps is amazing compared to the standard Garmin maps.
Then grab a copy of G7toWin (G7ToWin) to manage your waypoints and tracks.
Apparently it's possible to scan your maps to a TIFF file and then use OziExplorer to georeference the data (assign Lat/Long to a few points) so you might get some use out of it afterall. It's a lot of work, one of these days I'll have a go at it. You might even be able to convert the OziExplorer map files onto a format that the Garmin can accept, Google for "moagu", it might do the trick.
Hope that helps,