LOL...thanks Chris, it's the linishing and filing that makes it all pretty. That and the fact that my old man teaches me little tricks here and there to make life a bit easier...It's hard to believe but I took the art of HACKsawing a little to literally; that was until Dad showed me a better way of doing it. But like I said, the finished product is all thanks to sanding and filing. A little time consuming, but like you said, the results are worth it.
Hey Louie,
The bench...well ours is 5 meters long by 1.1 meters wide and .8meters off the gound. We also made shelves underneath and there was ample room to store the bits we were not using yet. I think that I mentioned on the blog that the bench is JUST wide enough. Remember, if you get Gary to mod your kit and make your plane wider, you'll need a wider bench. I'll be putting info on the blog about the workshop and tooling soon. As a matter of interest, the length of my workshop is just long enough to house the plane once the cowl is on...but I cant have the Prop or spinner attached...LOL.
As for the 'Finisher', well I guess you could call it that, but it is actually a Linisher...a Vertical Belt Sander. The one I have is a Triton 2-in-1 Disc and Belt Sander. The belt part is pretty cool, it can stand up as seen on the blog, or lay flat.
I wouldn't say that any tool is really essential, but saying that, having the right tool does certainly help and this belt sander is something that I knew I wanted. Before the kit arrived I thought of every tool I thought I would need and went on a mad tool buying bender...Come to think of it, I bought more tools than I really ever needed or thought I would use; but I have been surprised by how much I have used EVERYTHING I purchased.
Cheers guys and thanks for watching the blog.