As a newbie to Recreational Flying I feel I have a good view of the whole process of getting involved in the sport. So far I have only met with friendliness and helpful people. I have a background with jumping out of aircraft and my Dad was a pilot. I really do not think that disposable income is an issue with many young people. It is what they spend their cash on that is the decider. Big nights out, cars made for racetracks driven in built up traffic areas (lol), overpriced housing etc etc. I still believe that you can get into flying relatively cheaply and safely if you do your research, talk to the right people and be patient. My goal is to get 100 hours and an aircraft within my first year. This year! It is an exciting time to get into it really. Technology is making the previously expensive and out of reach items needed to create machines previously unthinkable ... Achievable!! I see the Electric Aircraft as a key to the future of Aviation and in particular for someone like me Recreational Aviation. Think 3D printing using materials such as hemp instead of carbon fibre! Have a look at what Zeoform from Northern NSW is doing with it. Energy storage is the only thing holding Electric back at the moment and that is rapidly changing. I built a house in the Rainforest of Far North Queensland on the South side of a hill in the wettest and cloudiest part of Australia and decided to run it with a standalone solar system. It works and that was 6 years. People said I would struggle with it but I don't. I run a generator every now and then and sometimes often during winter low cloud and rain events with the sun low in the north side of the hill I live on :) ... So! I think there will shortly be a rec aviation revolution similar to the 70's when it all of a sudden became a sort of affordable thing to do for the normal Australian on relatively medium incomes. I look at some of the guys on here designing these amazing machines from there own heads and experience from our forbears and just wonder at where this can go with such good minds seeking innovation simply for the enjoyment of creating for there peers and not just for $$$ for Multinational Parasites... So as a newbie beginning my Ultralight Journey I see a lot of positives and a lot of change is going to happen. And like many Groups and Clubs... Who may have forgotten the excitement and sheer joy of flying in Small craft for reasonable amounts of money... Then sometimes a new group emerges to cater to the needs of the new technologies and people entering into the field. This is not a political rant... Simply an observation after reading a lot of the material on this site. I feel that Recreational Flying is a grass roots pursuit that in some aspects is closer to GA than anything else. Obviously most attention will be given to where the money is in many organisations. This forum is fantastic as it lends itself to all parts of flying due to its inclusive and expansive audience. So during this year I might pop my head and neck out to update on my Cheap arsed pursuit of Recreational Flying in Far North Queensland Australia.
ps. This was written in a one take rant.. Its not Gospel ;)