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Everything posted by bunyips

  1. Build by Plan? I like this guys kits... It the Importing thats a financial strain. Have a look at the site. You might be surprised!! :)
  2. Cool... Who's keen on sharing a container full of Airdrome Aeroplanes then :)
  3. Hi Liam, Another aspect of the industry to look at is Skydiving. There are a lot of companies down your way or across Australia for that matter that are alway looking for reliable and keen ground crew, drivers, parachute packers and of course Pilots. Try some of them mate. You might be surprised. Just don't start jumping ;)
  4. Motor looked very clean... Albeit lots of spider webs. Carbs and air cleaner still on it so will get it checked out when I get it up here.
  5. Good to know microman. I just joined an American Yahoo group dedicated to Challengers. As I said. I am pretty set on getting a taildragger and am currently looking for a taildragger instructor up her in FNQ. So far it is proving difficult. Will get the plane in my house though and if it is not an expensive 'Challenge' then I shall give it a go. And yes the motor is a gem.
  6. I have just purchased a Quad City Challenger two seater. The reason I bought this aircraft is 1. I payed $1500! 2. It is attached to a brand new Rotax 503 that has never been run. 3. It has a brand new in box Tennessee Propellor. 4. It has been stored in a shed in a dry area for a few years now and is a 'Divorced' type sale. Very nice lady too. 5. It also comes with a two seat Quicksilver and Rotax 277 motor (was running when imported from Guam). So my question is!! Should I rebuild this aircraft as it has no Sails or front pod, instruments, tank etc. The frame and wings are complete and in VGC. The Quicksilver I am not so sure about as I only had a quick look. Ideally I want a Stol type taildragger. The engine was what I actually wanted and was happy to pay what I did just for the engine and prop. So now I am the owner of two aircraft. I will be putting them on a trailer and driving them 1600km (unless someone on here is interested in a bargain) ... Then think about what to do with them. Any advice from you People? Cheers, Todd
  7. Quad City Challenger, why I won't buy a Challenger ultralight. I read this article and went through some crash reports as well. I am aware of some of the problems associated with this aircraft. If I get it and the motor at the price i think I am then I will post more to do with this particular Challenge/r ;)
  8. Mmmm...Sounds like a challenge
  9. Thanks for that! Going to go have a look at it. Possible project. :)
  10. Hi Guys, Just wondering if anyone knows what this frame is?
  11. Hi All... Went to visit Franco yesterday and had a fly around in the Drifter. Beautiful conditions and great fun with that man at the helm ... What I would like to know now is who is doing recreational training up here. I would prefer to learn in a taildragger with a 2 stroke!! I am currently looking for an appropriate aircraft and am prepared to restore if the right one comes along with the right motor in it. Thanks again Franco for the great intro into this part of the aviation world... Good Times :)
  12. Hi People, I came across this in an obscure part of Gumtree. Aircraft is situated in Ravenshoe, Far North Queensland. $500 ... In a shed ...lol
  13. Cheers Frank, I will make sure I drop in for a chat. Will be great to get the local knowledge and experience. My Dad's name is Barrie. Can't miss him... Big guy ;) I have Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. So if you are around early next week I would be keen to talk. Thanks, Todd
  14. I will definitely be in Contact with Farri as he is just up the road from me really and sounds like just the man I need to see. Aircraft is advertised as a T500 but from my amateur investigations it is not. Thanks for interest
  15. Thanks people :) It has a rotax 503 with apparently 30 hours since new... Hence the interest ;) Looking for a school now. Am prepared to travel a bit if I need too and am quite aware of the fact that it looks like we may actually get a wet season this year. No rush!
  16. Hello... Have been reading quite a bit on this site as I have an interest in learning to fly...obviously. I live in Far North Queensland near Mission Beach and have been looking for a new past time that involves the air! Was a skydiver for many years up here and no longer have the drive to jump out of planes. Tried scuba last year and it didn't do a whole lot for me. Am very interested in Paragliding but the options up here are very limited. There sure is a lot of landing strips up here though! I have no doubt that I will enjoy being at the controls rather than leaping through the door. My Dad was a pilot for a long time from the 60's onwards. My question is. Can anyone tell me which model Thruster this is? I am in no rush to buy an aircraft and understand that getting a licence is my priority right now. Also meeting folk from up this way for advice and help. Cheers :) Todd
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