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About Smally

  • Birthday 28/08/1984


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  1. That is a good read ..... cheers
  2. Bought it .... wasnt exactly what i was expecting. More about her experience then the aviation side of things
  3. Thats right ...small by name big by natureso the girls say Yes hire a Foxbat out of sth grafton
  4. Yes sir name is Small
  5. Opps ...could admin move this thread to events
  6. Heads up for anyone interested, This Australia Day will mark 50 years since Bob McIntyre began operating his air field at Palmers Island (Northern NSW) . The annual fly in is only small with a bbq lunch but i was wondering if anyone here would be attending? McIntyres Airfield
  7. Thanks . Wasn't sure of location and now realize there was already a thread on this one
  8. Hope the 2 guys are ok that had a emergency landing on the way to Evans Head airshow are ok . Looks like a rough one
  9. Great one Thanks
  10. Wow that will keep me busy Good edits to Thanks
  11. Could anybody refer /recommend any documentaries ,videos,blogs of flights made around Australia in light aircraft . I would like to research how others have planned and executed this trip and over what time frame ,routes ,approvals,accommodation etc etc . Dreaming of a flying holiday
  12. Yeah love bikes to , all the cheap sports really
  13. Hi All Just found this site and im hooked on reading all the posts and look forward to more informative discussions . I fly a foxbat from Grafton NSW Chat soon Smally
  14. Hi , I will be driving there on Sat , always a great show
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