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frank marriott

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Everything posted by frank marriott

  1. With an 80hp (auto lean) engine you have got to be kidding. Any small difference would not effectively change your endurance so becomes academic & of no use in real terms. Just enjoy your flying in a light aircraft without over complicating things for no real gain - IMO keep things simple when nothing gained by making extra calculations.
  2. In reality, hardly worth the trouble. For a J170 if you plan 15ltrs/hr, 100kts @ 2850-2900rpm the difference achieved will be less then the difference between forecast and actual wind at any alt.
  3. Pesky pilots - they probably think it is about aeroplanes, flying & fellowship - not any more.
  4. A flyin/airshow is made greater by the roll up a lot of aircraft. The principle once to encourage this was flyin aircraft had gate fees waived. With current costings maybe this is no longer viable - but it was always an incentive. Just my opinion, but as I will not be attending I guess it matters little.
  5. FYI Whitsunday Airport - Airport Flight Procedures "Operational requirements mean that visiting pilots must have at least 100 hours in command and obtain the current information as above. The airport is located in a small valley and has a curved approach and departure from each runway and winds can at times be very strong and gusty." On my last visit landing fees were waived if you purchased fuel.
  6. Nice airport & area $33.00 to land & overnight 100hrs command limitation Prior permission required
  7. Exactly, the elected positions guide/direct the staff but ONLY when a cross section of members representatives are on the board of directors. An unrepresentative few pushing their own patricular agenda (as a controlling minority) is not healthy at least IMO. Not likely to change in the short term until enough members get upset enough to reflect their "airport opinions" in the voting area. We have what we voted for and will remain until changed in the short term, for how long is anybody's guess. Comically enough as predicted before the constitution change vote!
  8. Not going to happen without a change to the bastardised constitution which too many (of the members that vote anyway) still support.
  9. Getting a second check on a 100hrly/annual or a l2 is a waste of time as when someone is dangerous enough to shortcut etc the I am confident that they will also have a mate with the same attitude (including a L2) Cannot legislate for fools without creating problems and cost for the majority who comply with the tech manual NOW.
  10. Not related to flying so I won't debate the matter but the charge is "in charge of a motor vehicle" - and the defence is "manifested an intentention not not to drive". Plenty of case law on the matter should one really want to find the real answer and equally plenty of hearsay opinions mostly wrong. Best stick to FACT but not IMO a matter for debate here so I will not comment further.
  11. And further NOBODY is without training first.
  12. The simple explanation at least IMO: A pilots licence includes the Nav component. But as a stepping stone during training (whether RAA or GA) the "restricted" Lic allows you to keep current by flying locally until you have the time/money etc to complete your complete licence.
  13. Perhaps some people considering the increased stall speed at 60° should look closer at that statement - the stall speed increases at the square root of the wing loading - not the angle of bank. At 60° STRAIGHT & LEVEL the wing loading is 2 so the stall speed increases by 1.414 but not in a decending turn where the wing loading is reduced. One can then go into all depths of maths if it they like but in all realism not helpful to actually flying the aeroplane. Handy to understand generally but not relevant to actually flying - you do not have time to hit the pause button and do involved calculations. IMO too detailed to be considered for the average RAA pilot.
  14. When I was doing aerobatics in a school aircraft it had 4 indicators on the G meter 2 of which could only be reset by a LAME after checking that no limits had been exceeded.
  15. OR Put the greenies back in their box, but in reality that is not likely to happen - certainly in our lifetime (or at least for most of us anyway)
  16. Not a list but the information about a particular airport is contained in REMARKS in the ERSA. i.e. "This is a security controlled airport"
  17. I believe an increase in speed of ? Knots occurs in the 170/160 aircraft. No change in speed observed in my 230 (and another 2 local 230s). I am happy with the prop as such but don't expect a speed increase on a J230.
  18. I had the opposite experience to Ben, after 30 years in GA (as a CPL) I was "amazed" with what I found in mixing with "some" RAA qualified pilots and their "expert" opinions on everything aviation after gaining my RAA certificate. One thing that stands out is the large difference between the output from one RAA school to another. The syllabus is not IMO at fault but more the compliance. In my short period on the board I raised this matter with Jill Baily who agreed but replied that although it is known they are adopting a top down approach to the recognised problem. I would have thought that efforts (audits etc.) would produce a better result with a bottom up approach to address the shortcomings. I intended to follow up on this matter but the vote to change the constitution put paid to that. To me a top down approach achieves nothing other then stats to indicate that our schools are compliant - not addressing any shortcomings. I now sit back and smile - my immediate friends (whether GA or RAA qualified) operate to the same standard and give "some" more space if we happen to be in the same area.
  19. The problem in some areas is getting access to airside.
  20. I think so. Unless it is recent there has never been a pedestrian crossing closer then Mt.Isa in my many visits.
  21. More political comment - doesn't anyone respect the rules of this site ?
  22. Everyone has their own political views, and I respect that, but I do not visit a flying site to be subjected to political views of ANYONE. I thought that was established with the other site (which I don't visit) but it comes back here usually by a small select few - is nobody listening to them on the alternative site? Moderators need to crack down on this CRAP.
  23. ******fixed*******
  24. How much do you think the stall speed is increased by on a 30° "descending" base turn. Might be worth a visit to your flying school and brush up a bit of theory before suggesting everyone needs a AH for VFR flying. Get an instructor to take you up with the AH & T&B covered up - it might surprise you.
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