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frank marriott

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Everything posted by frank marriott

  1. When "anything" is over regulated to the extent that AVMED goes to it promotes non compliance - the opposite to what they are claiming to achieve. I continue to complete a CASA medical purely for CTA access which I use these days less then once a year on average in 100hr p.a. Flying. It does make one wonder if it worth the extra effort and expence.
  2. Oh dear - you will always find one who wants MORE restrictions for some reason. It's sad but a fact or life.
  3. When what I call (excessive rubbish) is being transmitted I still stick with post 12 and ignor the rest.
  4. With due respect I think that explaines your comment, and I am hopeful that you will be introduced to "attitude" flying sooner rather then later - over reliance on instruments at this stage is at least questionable.
  5. For VFR flying the big horizon in the windscreen is pretty good.
  6. Was this before or after the 500hr life SB?
  7. Really comes back to the removal of "regional reps". A lot of input was made under that procedure but was removed. A few of the overt supporters of the NEW approach to running our organisation will no doubt disagree but an "active" representative reflected the views/opinions of less active members but that is not to be - at least in the short time anyway. We have what we deserve being represented and voting for (in most cases) individuals who you don't know and based on a CV which most people in the reaL world know is BS.
  8. I agree with Nev's view. Whilst circuits should not be XCountry flying fitting in with other traffic is also important. Some views that from downwind to touch down should be within gliding distance is at best questionable given that one may have just flown 2/3/4 hours XCountry then all of a sudden the last five minutes you have to be in gliding distance of an airfield - test flying after maintenance excepted.
  9. One thing that comes to my mind was the statement of an individual who regularly referred to "kicking it around with rudder" and would dismiss any comments to the contrary. Sadly he is no longer with us but despite witnesses and a video of the incident the RAA investigators could not give an opinion as to what happened. It will be interesting to hear the coroner's findings are - not yet held.
  10. Just saying, when you give autocratic control to 3 plus one, what do you expect. But that is what 800 members voted for, I hope they are happy. Airshow handled well?
  11. Are you confusing "approach" with "stall" speeds? There is no mandated approach speed - use POH.
  12. I find it simply amazing how some individuals believe they have expert knowledge without having been exposed to the real thing. I tried to debate "kicking it around with rudder" with an individual who professed to hold ultimate knowledge, sadly unintentionally demonstrated nose up, on/or near the stall, and "kicking it around with rudder" with the predictable result - some people need to realise what they can get away with on a keyboard or around a table often doesn't reflect reality.
  13. Big statement, I acknowledge the inclusion of "possibly" and "average" but I "suspect" factually wrong.
  14. Try 5/16" ring spanner on the nuts and a socket on the other end, makes it quick and easy.
  15. Not that it makes a lot of difference Phil but you may be interested to know that one change from the 82 times we have changed from the quadrantal levels to hemispherical levels in Aus.
  16. Geoff Sounds like flying in a group not in formation. At least in any formation work I have done. - leader does the radio calls and everyone else holds their position - That includes CTA only difference is leader calls formation name as opposed to aircraft call sign. (Formation configuration OR "stream" take off and landing)
  17. Not quite correct Phil (for Aus anyway). The area QNH is declared (call it an average) for a specified area in order that all traffic in that area will be using the same reference base for separation - some nearly the size of England. Interestingly enough no change to when you were operating here in 82.
  18. Now I get what you are saying - As listed in the ERSA for that particular airport.
  19. That would be interesting! Or do you mean 700' elevation?
  20. Without being picky, or debating the "correct" reporting levels , I have no problem with someone reporting tracking not above 500' as I take it as "low level" and (to me at least) it would mean AGL.
  21. You have identified a major problem in one Nev. Over inflated egos, unbelievable belief in university qualifications (not remotely connected with aviation) we have seen it kill other businesses before. It dove fits into an internal email debate (which I will not go into) with Monk over unjustified changes to the Tech Manual. Quite insulting comments really, but as they were "internal" I will not go into details (unless someone involved in the process denies the process happened and refers to details - I naturally kept copies of the discussion to protect my integrity should it be necessary).
  22. Interesting observation. I certainly do not agree. I did stand, and was elected, and put in a lot of time over 3 months. The change, which I accept 800 people supported, and some still do, was not (IMO) in the best interests of RAA - however I accept the decision - but will NOT be associated with the current format. So to say anyone with a different opinion of the direction being taken should stand, is an over simplication of the situation. I do not regret wasting my time trying to put forward alternative views but the constitutional change has produced a situation which I will certainly NOT be involved with in any representative position. So it is not a light hearted decision that I made to be a non participating flying member, but a matter of principle - I am happy for you in believing the NEW approach is the correct one, I just happen to have a completely different view.
  23. Bill, there is certainly some very strong opinions around on two sides. I think it has a lot with "areas". Whether these opinions are reflected in the (now) Australia wide vote for unknown people is reflected in the voting remains to be seen (probably less then 1 out of 10 thousand) - immaterial to my personal opinion I would like to get some money on what I believe will be the outcome - as the system was set up to achieve.
  24. Maybe by design Yen. Certainly that is the belief on some/many! It is now the 19th and I have received nothing as yet.
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