Not an unexpected result given that the “take over” was based in division. Only achieved by the unprecedented soliciting of 800 proxy votes by a core few (legal yes, ethical and in the best interest of the organisation - well that is up to the individual member to decide for themselves).
Good leadership requires inclusive decisions, effective debate and informed reasoning to achieve a desired outcome which will then be supported at all levels within the organisation. Dictorial stlye decision making can only achieve contempt.
Open and inclusive communications is essential.
Interestingly the director’s remuneration comes up again. The big statement by M.Monk of “it will not happen on my watch” ‘might’ be tested - the obvious question, as was raised at the time giving rise the the statement, why was the process included in the new constitution if was not intended to be used. (Again emphasising “open, effective, inclusive and factually correct communication)