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frank marriott

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Everything posted by frank marriott

  1. I would suggest many are just ignoring the current approach. I may even know a few?
  2. That was meant to include: e.g. for warbirds and the like, but there has got to be a desire expressed, NOT because we are incompetents we want GA maintenance!!! Overall, the rules and procedures in 132.M aim to: empower an administering authority (limited category aircraft organisation under Part 132) to oversight maintenance functions
  3. There is room for owner maintenance but the organisation that represents us has to have its members (NOT JUST A COUPLE) interests in mind not some not some personal agenda taking us to a train wreck. Overall, the rules and procedures in 132.M aim to: empower an administering authority (limited category aircraft organisation under Part 132) to oversight maintenance functions
  4. That is what I thought the off topic site was for. “WITH”
  5. I replace mine every 5/6 years whilst still working fine and it eliminates a let down at an inconvenient time - I just regard it as normal maintenance. I never get the same time (reliably) out of a car battery.
  6. My personal opinion is that CASA got it right when they started all this kerfuffle Some people agree with you, but from my conversations I think it might be a minority view but I have no access to the majority of views, only the people I speak to (and what I read here).
  7. Without wishing to get into debate/argument that is probably a bit simplistic without including “straight & level”. Stall speed increases at the square root of the wing loading. Not that I am suggesting it is a good idea to be using those angles of bank close to the ground.
  8. Oshkosh is a pretty good example
  9. Interesting thanks. To get an earth loop there has to be a potential difference between the two “earths”.
  10. Mike what is the theory behind grounding only one end of a shielded cable?
  11. Remember the set up of the current board was designed to be run by 3 people (ended up 4 i.e. increased from 5 to 7) The individuals involved honestly believe they know what is needed without ANY input. Many organisations suffer when individuals (even with the best intentions) isolate themselves from membership. This will not change IMO without a restructure - until then just cop it OR organise a change. Do not forget the new constitution allows for payment of directors - this is currently played down but if it was not intended why was it included? The choice is up to members.
  12. Reminds me of a debated point in ONE of the changes to the Tech Manual (whilst I was on the board) when I pointed out it was not a requirement of the ANOs and got the reply that “I thing it is a good idea” from the “current” president - implemented without change - I realised I was wasting my time, and certainly would never waist my time again trying to argue logic with an autocratic style management system. (Naturally I kept copies of the internal correspondence for my record).
  13. And after the ops/tech manual changes we all have total faith in the current mob that it will be in the members interest - NOT!
  14. Did anyone expect anything else from current approach of this organisation. Another $20 is nothing when you are earning $150k plus. A realism check is in order but to achieve that would require a draining of the trough! Mini GA approach and it will get worse at least in the short term. Simply put it was obvious to many with the constitution change but the multi million $ approach is now steadily taking effect - and yet the overt supporters still exist, albeit in reducing numbers (at least from the people I talk to). Time for members to consider what they really want from what was once “their” organisation.
  15. It reads as being left up to the DAME, but being cynical about AVMED I would suspect the devil will be in the details issued to DAMEs. Until the dust has settled and then speak to a DAME who has done their “online instructions” I suspect will only be guessing & hoping for a practical approach?
  16. 400ltrs (90imp gls) of fuel, Must have long range tanks.
  17. If you look under “manage my membership” then “endorsements” it should have “owner maintenance” and the date?
  18. NOW ? I don’t know when but (at least on factory built examples) the tray has been standard for over 10years, when I purchased mine. At some time over the period they changed from fibreglass to tin (aluminium).
  19. There are operators who conduct a review in accordance with its intent AND then there are others who think it is a chance to fleece more money. Word of mouth will tell you a lot - just ask around - the shonks in a particular area are known by local pilots. It is not a licence retest - a competent operator will know very quickly what level a pilot is at.
  20. The real problem Keith is to get money spent on roads north of Rocky - shades of another organisation based in Canberra.
  21. If you have evidence of a pass you are authorised. The length of time to update your profile is immaterial.
  22. Members will realise what is happening soon - allbeit probably too late. The spiral is gaining momentum.
  23. I always thought (pre GPS) that having an ADF & DME (even though DME stations were scarce in western Qld) was almost like magic. You now have the equivalent of VOR & DME (plus more) ANYWHERE you choose to go now.
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