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Everything posted by Ausspark

  1. Lol, all that bs and no one actually answered the question!
  2. Took the family. Had a great day thanks to all involved, great day!
  3. Ha cant wait. Misses sick this week, no flight for her. I have turning tomorrow morning. Keen to get up there!!!
  4. Thanks guys. Camel, I would defintly like to know if i wasnt technically up to speed with landings .Theres alot of info to cram into a small amount of time. I find Revewing the section of the text book after a lesson really does help. We also grabed a copy of mirosoft flight sim x and downloaded flight gear. Wish they could create some resistance on the control colum
  5. Hi J, Better off, going with the one the flight school recommends as they will most likely reffer back to it. I have the Bob Tait book my flight school follows the Dyson Holland. There both good but slghtly differ in there delivery. Makes it a bit hard to follow along in breifings. Happy Aviating:smoking:
  6. Hi Camel, will do, we are finding benifits in both meathods for us personally, it cool to have sombody to bounce off. Be nice to swap in circuits for a lesson to compare personally:plane:
  7. Thanks All, definitely will do.
  8. HI All, my Wife and I have started training for our ra pilot certificate. She is at s & l and Im one lesson ahead on c & d, we are training with different flight schools at different airports. We are both loving flying and progressing well, we have already found that our instructors have very distinctive approaches to training, being more relaxed and hands on as opposed to clinical and hands off, barring excercises. It will be interesting to see how we progress! Happy aviating:slap:
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