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Everything posted by jasonctf818

  1. He told me to pick one Dyson or Bob Tait to study. RPC is my next step. So should I read book for RPC directly?
  2. Can I get some suggestion of which book I should read? Bob tait RPL or RPC? Are they similar??
  3. Thanks Guy. I have visited Dave today. He is really a good guy. I enjoy flying with him.
  4. I tried to compare the cost of 2 different schools. https://media.wix.com/ugd/768d53_8237dc4596414171a2590fad7af68034.pdf http://www.aeroacademy.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/AAA-Course-Costs-1-Feb-2015.pdf AAA is much higher. Is there any disadvantage of RAA PRC than RPL if PPL is my following step?
  5. Is the any website of Bruce Robbins - Illawarra Recreational Flight Centre? I cant find it on Google. Or I have to call him?
  6. I dun think Basair still offers RPL course anymore as I cant find it on their website. But, many Thanks!
  7. Thanks! I have sent an email to Dave and waiting for his reply. As I stay in hurstville, its a little bit far to me. So I found another school at the same time. learn-to-fly Have you guys fly here before? Thanks!
  8. Actually, is there any difference of RAA or RPL? I know if you are RAA holder, you can just apply the RPL.
  9. I have checked all the suggestion. Thank you guys. I am sorry that I have a limited budget. AAA RPL course is too expensive for me. I will keep looking. Thanks Guys!
  10. Hi friends, Im gonna enrol the course of RPL in Sydney. But Im still considering which aviation school should be chosen. What aircraft would be better? Wanna hear you guys suggestion. Thank you! Jason
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