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Everything posted by aripilot

  1. Look for ~500 hrs used Rotax 912 engine checked by professional. Prices are reasonable. Should be around 1/3 about a new one. Just my two eurocents... ?
  2. 165 kts in still air. Vno is lower and cruising 165 kts is way in yellow arc.
  3. Sport Aviation July 2017 issue has excellent article about burping Rotax.
  4. Hi Super Cub, still building but 500 hrs is realistic. As a retired ATP it takes probably ~100 hrs more for me. No compromises in details ;-). It takes less than two (2) minutes to fold/unfold the wings and you can even do it while having full tanks. To me Trial/Trail is like a modern Super Cub. Been flying factory planes in Italy twice. Fell in love the first time, had to go back next year after flying season ended in Finland to have fun. My friend who finished his Corby Starlet in 2015 is waiting his kit to arrive in August. In YouTube you can see how easy the wings are to fold/unfold. Just search Nando Groppo Trail. Safe flights, Ari
  5. Trial/Trail has folding wings, removable horizontal stabiliser (4 bolts). It is as stable to fly as McDonnell MD 11 and as fun as Corby Starlet. You can even put a Rotax 914 (115 hp) on the nose but Rotax 912 (100 hp) is more popular. You don't cut anything only minor trimming needed. G 70 is side-by-side twoseater. Trail is stronger than our C172, ultimate limits +9/-6 G's. +4/-2 G's is only European ultralight class limitation.
  6. I hope Google can translate Finnish investigation report "Tutkintaselostus C 10/1996L". A bearing (ø 13 mm) disconnected from elevator actuator arm due to too small washers (ø 12.5 mm) and right elevator bearing pins slipped from their mountings. Elevator trim cables prevented total separation of the right elevator from the plane and loose elevator smashed the rudder. Service Bulletin issued 22.8.1958 mandated use of ø 16 mm washers. This Service Bulletin was only for Zlin 226 which has similar elevator to Zlin 126. Interesting flight with my son.
  7. 1996 lost most of rudder and right elevator in a Zlin 126 Trener. Remember to try to keep ball centered.
  8. I am retired Finnair captain flying tailwheel C172 and building Nando Groppo Trail. EAA lifetime # 105851.
  9. Hi Neil We have hundreds (thousands) of places where to land in Finland. Every 1000 ft field is long enough for our Cessna. This picture was taken in our back yard. Trail needs even less space. When Trail is finished my plan is to build skis and floats. Trail kits come with folding wings. I would be glad to show you Finnish archipelago from air next time you visit Finland. Ari
  10. Hi all from snowy Finland!
  11. I am retired Finnair captain flying tailwheel C172 and building Nando Groppo Trail
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