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Everything posted by peterg

  1. A very good video - thanks for that. A recent, visible example is the "tidying up" of the Foxbat to produce the Vixxen
  2. Maybe not just an insurance problem - you would have knowingly made a false declaration
  3. Unlikely - coastal areas in Australia are generally not favoured as sources of good lift as "experts" should be aware. Both the Mornington & Bellarine peninsulas have a number of small strips, some on vineyards Sounds like a strong possibility
  4. Something like a scared bird launching if front of you causing an "Oh shit" moment
  5. Glider pilots. Those who fly both generally fly with some sensitivity for the the aircraft - understand balance (the ball/string) and coordination, speed control, spot landing/stabilised approach etc The guy in the video is a shocker - a classic "stick strangler" I strongly recommend to people starting off that they give gliding a go first
  6. Getting fuel was often a problem - when no Avgas, Mogas had to do - used Mogas in Timor from memory - drums off the back of a local three wheel taxi I seem to recall. Have an amusing photo somewhere of refuelling in Crete (other side of the island to Heraklion) after a problem requiring a turn back or swim or pay a visit to Col Gaddafi - refuelled from some discarded drums into a bucket - bucket to refuel point on top of wing resulted in half bucket contents blown sideways - landing in the shocker crosswind required some new dance improvisations. Oil was the big problem - much more difficult to get, even in the Middle East. Need to carry enough for an oil change & also carry plugs, tyre, tube etc unless you don't mind being stuck. Remember, 30 years ago so things probably much better now. No need to worry about being a tad lost with the magenta line. Also, no horizon with heat haze / poor viz so you need to be comfortable on instruments while hand flying - no A/P. WX forecasts in some locations were "imaginative".
  7. I did England to Australia in 1990 in a Cessna 170 - VFR, no GPS, ADF died crossing the English Channel, 2 x VOR of limited use / reliability. ONC's had some interesting omissions, lots of military airspace in some countries, Gulf War still part of daily conversation. The same trip in a fast single, auto pilot, IFR etc would have been comparatively relaxing - CIR recommended if you are planning to do it - I had one. Lots of controlled airspace and ATC with poor English - probably much better now I expect. Most useful tip I got beforehand - if you need to ditch during a water crossing "if it's not tied to you you don't have it" - my marine EPIRB was a whopper compared to today's models (it's a along way across the Med leg and not as warm as the Timor one)
  8. You clearly don't get it Don't I? Anyway, this is my last comment on this thread - no doubt it will not be your last. Ever noticed how many threads end with the last comment by you - have you ever reflected on why?
  9. Rather than go the way of your frenemy frequent contributor Turbothingo, you should leave the bush lawyer stuff alone - as I understand it, like him, you are unqualified, inexperienced etc etc and your comments may well mislead some members of this forum - I presume you are not keen to be labelled as one who misleads, provides incorrect or out of date information etc CRIKEY, I FIND CAPITALS ANNOYING as I find "most definitely" from the unskilled, untrained, unqualified That is indeed correct but in itself does not guarantee liability or guilt - I am not interested in entering into "strict liability" debate - this forum is certainly not the place for that.
  10. Really?
  11. Makes your apology worthless - djpacro is a very experienced pilot and I find his contributions considered and valuable. Sadly, there are only a very few now who provide useful comments - used to be a lot more but they have "dropped off" - probably eroded by the slow drip
  12. The flying school (s) GPA etc don't have a TW online - as I said contact Bruce Vickers - BV can be contacted through Garry Baum (Lethbridge airfield owner) or Michael Pendergast (a friend of BV) djpacro on this forum is a TW instructor - PM him
  13. contact Bruce Vickers at Lethbridge - one of the best instructors I have encountered - not sure how much he is working at the moment I learnt on Chippies, flown a lot of other TW types and encountered a lot of average instructors - Bruce is a bit of a legend in my view If you want to do a CIR go to Steve Pearce at Bini's Very few good instructors around in my view - there a few other TW instructors I could recommend but BV is local for your mate
  14. Are the plugs the correct ones for the 80HP ie not the 100HP plugs
  15. Tell that to a Qantas Captain
  16. crikey I get sick of the rubbish from the "expert" who clearly is not, almost certainly hasn't flown as PIC for many years, the bush lawyer stuff makes my eyes roll - the "expert" clearly hasn't graduated from any of the three law schools that I have etc etc In Australia, air traffic controllers are employed by Air services or the military not CASA
  17. Unless you are in an early model F-104
  18. I had a memorable go around DHC-1 early solo - radio decided enough was enough during spin and aeros practice so on return to YMMB I anxiously waited for the green light on final, didn't get it so moved to dead side and climbed away - got the light the next time but also got an escort car on landing - something about proximity to aerials on the tower. Tower lights used to be used a fair bit
  19. YBRS = Barwon Heads - used to be an Xair in a similar colour scheme there
  20. Did the Air live at YBRS a few years ago?
  21. Would have been bloody freezing - ski suit or freezer suit is the go this time of year I went gliding yesterday - sunny but very cool.
  22. What is the aircraft
  23. What was she doing during lectures? Were exams required for the above? I saw her on the telly - her performance was woeful Seems to be a governance problem.
  24. Nope, wasn't confusing you and "Red" - my comments were directed at an annoying & prolific vanker
  25. We were - a minor thread drift but paragliders it was But no need to worry, most of us I believe are fed up with him and have been for a long time - I find the "Bush Lawyer" stuff particularly annoying.
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