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Everything posted by peterg

  1. Nope - I got one 30+ years ago. Reasonably common then to get a Class 4 rating (night VFR ( I'm my opinion can be dangerous for the careless) then a Class 3 (a limited version of the Class 1 /CIR). If you had a bit of extra cash as I did then, most just got a Class1 / CIR. 6 month renewals in those days - always a lottery as you didn't who you had in the RHS until the test day - some were shockers, some were a walking W&B problem etc. I've done a bit of flying in a number of countries and a CIR is very useful even on a VFR plan - because, but not limited to, no horizon in the Middles East due heat haze, challenging weather in Asia (TS, heavy rain etc), must stick to the airways in a lot of countries, airspace somewhat complicated due military activity eg France etc etc - most of the aforementioned is everyday stuff if you have a CIR.
  2. Electrically operated flaps & trim take very little space in an already compact environment and likely reduce empty weight in most installations compared to the manual version - a couple of things designers are acutely aware of when designing aircraft with weight limitations
  3. And the source for information is ... ???
  4. I'm thinking a lot of you guys wouldn't enjoy ridge soaring or thermalling in a gaggle in a glider - neither of these activities is inherently unsafe or lead to disaster if done properly and common sense prevails. What we're talking about in this thread is a pilot who is experienced (flys big stuff) who has demonstrated a lack of common sense which he and his pax are usually protected from by virtue of controls/systems/redundancy.
  5. Only the instructor?? As we drift off topic ... "Ultralight crash north of Grafton" ... when I learnt to fly "Low Flying" was item 20 of the "Sequence of Flying Instruction" and below 500' & clear of cloud is sometimes used after an instrument approach (not so much now with RNAV) while manoeuvring to land. Many years ago I had the unique experience of seeing the altimeter wind below zero while cleared to fly VFR Amman to Aqaba over the Dead Sea. Back to topic - Ag pilots are trained and are clear about the risks and so are aerobatic display pilots and the military - most others aren't and with disturbing regularity come to grief - punishment is a poor deterrent - risk training as part of the basic syllabus backed up with some graphic footage may help
  6. If you want good info (not opinions) about landing/takeoff in areas not specifically designed for that purpose go to those with lots of practical experience - glider pilots. Gliding training info has very good info based on experience and research about outlandings (and retrieval) - eg canola (stubble OK) and cotton can be a shocker for gliders and other A/C (nose over), SWER lines are a killer, horses are unpredictable and should be avoided etc
  7. I'll take a punt - ZERO or close to (by AUF I presume Thrusters, Drifters or similar), NO, NO I presume you (New) are sick of the BS like a lot of us. Some of the "legal" crap makes me grind my teeth.
  8. Brain & Brown had them - their hangar was next to Flinders Island Airlines ( 2 x B18 & others)
  9. Not so sure about the wheelbarrowing - the PA-28 had a secret weapon which could be used when near the desired touch-down point - the "handbrake"/extra flap - very good for spot landings and, for me, a very easy aircraft to land well most of the time.
  10. They are. Refer CASA's Flight Instructor Manual. I learnt to fly in a Chippie in the '60's (also some Tiger Moth flying) and not only were the phrases standard but they were essential in tandem aircraft Still used by pro instructors - clear and easily understood
  11. Truly frightening & delusional.
  12. I too had an early dinner so that I could tune in to what I assumed would be a valuable session - I assumed incorrectly. The first alert for me was one of the presenters. I had previously been made aware of two ground accidents he has had (LOC?) - both easily avoidable and one resulting in serious damage to another aircraft. I have also witnessed him undertake some potentially "life shortening" (not just my opinion) flying. He is sadly afflicted with "dangerous arrogance" and was added to my "List" some time ago - reserved for those I expect to see in the nightly news. When I had finished watching the video my assessment was that it was unprofessional, of little to no value and a waste of money - not sure who put up the funds but hopefully not the members. Project management, due diligence and instructional design would have helped as would pre-production/useability review. LOC is a valuable topic and there is plenty of material to consider - accidents both on the ground (taxiing, landing, take-off) and in the air.
  13. Works for me
  14. Seems a bit unreasonable - Apen... has posted a simple request. This has never stopped you in the past - prolific comments on far-reaching topics seems to be the norm. Why stop now?
  15. All flight suits were originally the green colour, the fluros and ambo blues came later - like helmets, I guess lots of aviation "necessities" originated in the military. Lots of clubs of various persuasions ask their members to wear name badges - not a bad idea in my opinion. That said, members of some "clubs" dressed in their activity associated "uniform" would never wear an identifying name badge. I now have an alternative image - what if our Jabiru flyer chose his nomex kit and helmet for his eventful first flight and posed next to his upturned A/C for a snap ... - any captions come to mind?
  16. I suspect you didn't learn to fly in the 1950/60's - a bit unnecessary these days but they serve a number of purposes including containing potentially loose objects (Chippie accident in Newcastle years ago) Extra pockets are very useful in space limited Ra-Aus aircraft - how many points are deducted for cargo pants? Tough call - bogan or a wanker
  17. I've got a green one like yours issued in 1969 and my nationality is "British" even though I sprung to life in Brighton 3186 - quaint
  18. Have a quick look at Bass Strait Special Procedures
  19. Must have been a long time ago - not many 210's at YMMB these days (or elsewhere) Also, that sort of proximity in the Melbourne area will often generate an alert call from ML Radar - I got one a week ago for other VFR traffic nearby
  20. Does anyone know the reason why Ozrunways is against the initiative? Seems sensible to me.
  21. Yep, aware of that - when I did my CIR a looong time ago the drill was standby to alt at the holding point and back to standby as part of post landing checks. My query was more about whether it was easy to do from an electronic wiring point of view - could be a bonus for RA-Aus pilots who share airspace on a regular basis with larger well-equiped A/C but operate primarily out of smaller airfields.
  22. Can an aircraft with an avionics master and a Mode C Transponder be configured to turn the Transponder on with Mode C when the avionics master is turned on?
  23. Can also be IFR with a SE (Single Engine) CIR (Command Instrument Rating)
  24. flew over Valentina creek Valencia?
  25. Nor should they - a waste of their time - a civil matter That said, CASA should have and may well have issued a "watch out" warning
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