I have flown the J120, 160, 170 & 230 and have not experienced any type specific control problem similar to some described above. I have flown many other types in GA, RA-Aus & GFA and have experienced type specific peculiarities. The J170 requires a bit of skill to avoid float. The J230 may be the same due to wing similarities but I have not experienced it.
An observation - I know a L2 who specialises in Jabirus and he has undertaken wheel alignment correction on a few. That said, it is a maintenance item that is often overlooked and many types probably have an issue but whether it affects handling adversely is not proven to my knowledge.
Some of the above comments are unhelpful, unproven and not evidence based - reeks a bit of "Jab Bashing" which I had hoped had died a natural.
Comments from those that have no or little type experience, those that haven't flown anything for a loooong time and those that feel the uncontrolled need to comment on absolutely every item raised on this Forum can be misleading.
Personally, I prefer the comments from the "bush lawyers" as I usually get a good laugh.