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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. ....hearing on that plaintive cry of.....
  2. Thruster, dont wait, do it as soon as you can. Life is too short Cheers Bryon
  3. I did mine a couple of years ago as well Flew a Mk9 Spitfire dual control out of Biggin Hill along the South Downs to Thames Valley Flew over Sheppey and Dartmouth then returned to Biggin Hill doing THREE victory rolls along the way I now have officially 20 mins of Spitfire flight in my logbook
  4. ....was one of shock and horror as Turquoise (with a hint of saffron) was the new black. How could Nobu have made such a monumental faux pas? Everyone knew.....
  5. ....knoll, where Bull lay, taking deliberate aim, with the wind factored in, at.........
  6. ......."dont eat the yellow snow"......
  7. ......into the previous nights curry to give the pilot such a reaction. Could it have been........
  8. ...t....t....ttttrim, t....t....ttttaut and......
  9. ....needs.....
  10. Dont you know that Avgas will mask the smell of cheap perfume, unless you are wearing a newly issued mile high badge...:roflmao::roflmao:
  11. ....gender divide (NTTIAWWT). Alli (AKA Gerard) had made a living performing as Geraldine in the various rissoles around Wagga area for years. The only person who knew his real identity was Cappy who made a living as his PIMP (Personal Image Management Professional) or as others called him, the old pro. Cappy had no idea of the latent religious leanings of his client, but when he found out about Alli, he............
  12. ........we did have those loverly pampers grass stalks to tickle your...........
  13. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am sure that as soon as you are found to be COV19 positive, you have to be quarantined until you get TWO consecutive negative results If that is the case, the only people who should be out and about are people who have tested negative, so what use is it? I am getting cynical in my old age and can only see this as a tracking device. Also, the information is held by Amazon, and AFAIK, they have been known to sell personal information
  14. Farri, I am just like you. Everytime the wheels leave the ground, it is a magic experience
  15. Aaahhh, but if anyone can, a pelican can....
  16. .....mixed results, as Cappy had used the paw-paw nectar as a cunning hiding place for his cache of cannabis oil What started out as a friendly competition to see who could seduce the ladies the quickest descended into a.............
  17. Cappy knows that pictures of Brine in a state of undress (as shown above) will excite Mavis and the rest of the ladies from the various Rissoles. This is a deliberate ploy to divert the attention from his nefarious activities (and gives the girls a thrill) Meanwhile, Turdbro is still reading post 12,228 and formulating a cunning plan to bring Cappy undone
  18. .......find a solicitor (legalavref Kaz note) who is willing to accept donations in brown paper bags(turdref) to undertake a comprehensive research of the legislative requirements for a complete whitewash of the toothpaste requirements to give the Watsonia Rissole a negative test for the Encabulator virus. This was in response to ......... Please note that at this point, Brine has been only released from quarantine for 2 days and his mind has gone feral
  19. .......a 12 month subscription to Lite-n-Easy. "Cappy needs one as well" chortled Turdy. "I am sure that it will.........
  20. Try a hydraulic tube bracket with a homemade piece of aluminium bracket shaped like a wide channel with a hole on one of the uprights for the bracket bolt Check Enzed, they have them
  21. ....Gusto. Now Gusto comes from a neighbouring Rissole and was only visiting when she got caught up in the melee. Never before had she seen a man shy away from a bunch of good looking women who wanted to use his body (except for when Bone had started to bat for the other team ((NTTIAWWT)) and with her false teeth in her purse, she was determined to............
  22. ..........an offer to use the old ancient homeopathy remedy of "kissing them better" This upset the ladies of the Gumly Gumly Rissole who immediately went on strike and threatened to withdraw all services for their husbands, friends and casual acquaintances (Turdyref) "Why should she have all the fun" they wailed, "We only want.......
  23. ....no doubt ask Cappy to be a consultant given the amount of time he has been confined to hospital. Here it should be mentioned that Cappy was only confined due to his frequent visits to the sperm donor clinic where he indulged in some rather vigorous.......
  24. Now now, leave Mavis out of this as she had nothing to do with the alleged orgy at the BoB (erky perky) She was an innocent party It was the participants (some well known contributors to the NES) who used various condiments to spice up the action and.......
  25. .......but didnt. Now Brine, being the man of the world that he was, who had massaged many a mammalian protuberance in his long and colourful life simply cast a derisory glance at Constable Doubtfire and............
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