.....for Turdz had been a Mek-a-nic for a long time and knew all about truckers.
"Someday I will find my mother and people will stop calling me a.............
Phil, it is not the national standard
It is my way of letting people know who I am, where I am and my intentuions
The reason it is so simple is so that I can remember it........
PS Mods, we need an old man scratching his head smilie
Good thing he didnt try it beside the Murray
The CFA would have issued a total fire ban as things started to warm up and he wouldnt be going anywhere...especially down in flames....lol
...couple of skidmarks on your Mcsporran g-string"
At this remark, Oldflatrat hung his head in shame as he had been caught out, Ahlostmerox danced a jig on see his discomfort and Turbz just sat there with a ..........
...when you dribble excessively.
"I have been known to dribble a bit in my younger days" said the the oldflat Rat
"A BIT" exclaimed Ahlostmerox, "Why, I remember when we were at the BoB one night and you...............
edited spelling due to fear of the spelling police ie FT
...which is an old 70s term to mean that he swings both ways (isnt that right Madge?)
Ahlostmerox immedieately went into spasms at the mention of the B52s and Julia in the one sentence, as his fantasy was to.......
......sure to get the local bevy of beauties chomping at the bit (that could hurt a little if they chomped too hard)
"No wucking furries" said Eppaulettes, "I know how to tame these wild devils down here, all you have to do is.......
....even though we told you not to.
"He is just a naughty boy" said Mavis
"Why, even sometimes when I go to punish him, he is already waiting with his .........
Clarification needed
Is that the "wrong Captain" in which case, why does he have the flow?
If he is the "right" captain, why is the flow wrong, and
what is a 'flow"
And where is Eppaulette when you need him to explain why...........
...with a wry flick of the wrist (NTTIAWWT) haughtily hung his hapless hosiery over his left arm, mumbled something about batting for the other team and headed off to the BOB to consult..........
.....glitter covered business cards in any discreet lurex jockstrap she could find.
Now Elratto, being the pimply young tacker he was, thought that the business cards were a bit rough on his dried fruit arrangement and promptly had a gold toof inserted so that the young Mavis would .......