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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. I made this kit up after my first outlanding I have added a second emergency blanket, a poncho and a multitool since then This all fits in a bright flourescent pink grab bag with handle ($2 @ Kmart) 250 x 170 x 120 x 2.3kg (I think it was a school lunch bag?) I also carry at least 2l of water plus mobile phone First Aid Kit Dynamo torch CD Signal mirror Solid fuel stove 8 Solid fuel tablets 50 x 1 ltr water purifying tablets 1 x Fire paste tube 1 x Firestick 2 x Boxes waterproof matches Knife, fork, spoon 2 x ex army Mess tins 1 x Emergency blanket 3 x Freeza bag water containers 8 x Sugar sachets 6 x Tea bags 4 x Snack bars 2 x Cup-a-soup sachets 1 x Dehydrated Camp Meal
  2. This perplexed Turbz as 1. One of the shapely Lygon St chicks, with big b(language, mod) and all her teeth yelled out "BELLISSIMO!" showed that she wasnt a Collingwood supporter 2. freshly whitened teeth flashing in the beeze. The epaulets were dazzling, his shirt was monogrammed with "Flying Forever" and underneath "Bob Hoover" and she hadnt even seen his undersized elasticated gold lurex jockstrap which...........
  3. I have known some women with crabs that would not go near that :peepwall:
  4. I like the use of smilies, but sometimes people go overboard and it creates confusion dont you think:augie:
  5. ....for heavens sake, dont forget to iron the flying suit and straighten the epaulettes. We dont want you looking like...........
  6. I will be there for No 5
  7. Andy, I am involved in a NFP community org that has members spread across a large area and we put this in our constitution s7.9 Use of technology for general meeting The corporation may hold a general meeting at 2 or more venues using any technology that gives the members as a whole a reasonable opportunity to participate In another section, it says that in the notice of the meeting, if the meeting is to be held in 2 or more places, the technology that will be used to do this I believe that this is all that is required in the RAA constitution as you cannot change the constitution every time technology changes Hope this helps Cheers Bryon
  8. Boy, that was a load off his chest.....
  9. ....better to use Testicultra tha Craptus for coverage in the out back. Just ask Nobu who has............
  10. It was at this instance that there was a cry "Look, up in the sky, it's a ratstoof, no, its a gold ring, no, it's ....aw shit, it's Epaulette "Unfoot that women, you craven coward" demanded Epaulette "Bugga orf" said BrianF " I want to know if.............
  11. .........Re post 7288 from Ratpoo Mavis wants to know who Absinthe is and why Andyshatinhishat has been keeping her secret Has he been trying to keep her away from the bad influences that some of the Nessers project Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to uncover Absinthe and expose her (NTTIAWWT) to the NES. This message will self destruct in........
  12. "I just looove a person with feathers to tickle my fancy" slurred Tubz as he slipped out the backdoor of the Cock &Feather Club in the redlight district of Wagga Wagga closely followed by that landlord of illrepute, Elratto "No photos, No photos" screamed Elratto (whilst deparately trying to shield his face and sparkling grin) at the waiting throng of papparazi "I was only.......
  13. "I had one of them once"mused Elsecretarywithmanyepilets until someone said I didnt have any bollocks and changed my genda "Oooooohh, doeth that mean you bat for both teamth ducky" lithped Elratto whiltht pulling on his pink lame tutu "I alwaths wanted to................
  14. ....could teach you a few things about going up and down" "Never mind the up and down" said Mavis "what about the old in out?" "Dont mention the old in out" said Nana "You know what it does to Elratto and his......
  15. Dont waste virgins like that, send em to me and Turbz for a bit of remedial action to show them the error of their ways ....
  16. Is she the one dancing and chanting and throwing chicken bones?
  17. Yampy, I have been taken to every major shopping centre in UK and the Calais area, Paris (boy, did that one cost me), Los Angeles (Santa Monica, Rodeo Drive etc) Hawaia The way I found to handle it was to find a bookshop/newsagent, buy a flying magazine, find a pub or bistro and park myself there for the day The missus would come back at least every 11/2 to two hours to make sure I was OK
  18. ...can no longer be because....
  19. ....slightly bent at the moment due to........
  20. My missus willingly came to every airshow we went to all over the world All it cost was ...one airshow/museum visit = one shopping trip fair trade I thought
  21. ........like wot our former prez did" Nor as many" said Mavis. "With that many epaulettes, he could charm the pants off a.....
  22. ...uptake, which means that Nana is.....
  23. OME, I have sat in the tail turret whilst they diid a four engine full runup and taxi I did not realise just how much that tail lifted off the ground during a runup It is agreat experience, go for it Have you ever heard 4 Merlins at full power close up....amazing....
  24. Damn you Rattaus, foiled by your fast fingers once again!!!!
  25. ...beamed up some batteries. Four AAA lithiim-ions to power up the light sabre and 6 Extra Heavy Duty Double D size for her own personal pink gem encrusted battery powered portable reciprocating.......
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