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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. ...one person running around in circles outside the RAAUUSS HQ in protest at the lack of information forthcoming from that edifice. "Well I'll be jiggered" said ........
  2. ...size does not matter (commonly known by Nanna and Mavis as the Wee Willie Show) manouver in which the lucky wench chosen to partake in this aerial conjugation is given a detailed briefing in ..................
  3. Well done Rocket Now you can escape the surly bonds of earth when you want to Cheers Bryon
  4. ...try and pass it off as Elrattos contribution to the discussion on the effectiveness of certain members of the RAAAAAUUUUS Executive team "Do you think pink is the appropriate colour" said Nana, "It clashes with Ahroxoffs .......
  5. ....nipple rings with the.......
  6. ...managed to get his appendage stuck in a drainpipe "Damm you Tommy Turta" cursed Nobu, "Why ru brock our escape passage with that......
  7. I recall seeing (back in my younger days, a long time ago) a device used by my Grandad It was a kero tin pump with a winding handle, similar to the ones used on a 44 gallon drum only smaller Is there, or has anyone seen a modern equivelent to such a device?
  8. Looks like I will have to make the flight across the big pond to MoT (Map of Tassie) to check out that micro distillery in Hobart once the rego is done Where did you say you hang out CFI?
  9. .....when Nana has his deformed scrotum in her hand, he is more like a pussy, which is not at all like Ahlottheharlot who is prone to......
  10. I am totally pissed off, I am grounded.............. WHYYYY????
  11. ....even though he worked the cheaper end of town where .........
  12. ......proceeded to try and reform the deformed scrotum of he who resides in the Ratthaus in waggle waggle. "leave him be" said Nana, "His scrotum is just the right shape to fit into my..................
  13. ...people would mistake pus for gold is beyond his comprehension
  14. I will third that advice from Elratto, Turbz is still undergoing counselling and is expected to make a partial recovery If you really want to see the effects of unmitigated exposure to Ahlottheharlot, look no further than Nana, or even Andheshatoncoffs As Nana said in one of her more lucid (not that there is anything wrong with that) moments..."beware the ides of...........
  15. ....the portaloos at Natfly" "That just to keep the Fries off the roos" said Nobu "Fries?" said Kiwi, "I dont want fries, I want chups" "I'd rather have Ahlottheharlot and his .................
  16. Is that after you have divided by Pi, or before?
  17. WD40 will fix it
  18. The only reason Tassie drifted away is because some silly bugga cut the phone cable between Vic and Tassie
  19. I thought that was a cardboard cuttout of him . It just sat there and didnt say anything . All his female colleagues did the questioning
  20. I can see him, he is right next to that fella from Canberra, name of Tony something or other
  21. Even better still, sink it so that is a bottom of the harbour tax scheme
  22. Dont you guys know nuffink It is one of those fake islands that are really oil rigs in disguise. They have them off the coast of Seal Beach in California But it wasnt an oil rig, it is all part of the American dream of world domination and was in fact afloating spy platform and they were spying on us When they found out someone had rumbled them, they just up anchor and sailed away Now all we have to do is look for a new island that pops up somewhere between Oz and Enzed
  23. got a 32 gig class 10 from JB on special at $40 last week Also got a Gopro Hero 2 motorsports for $294
  24. ...the smooth talking gentleman in a cassock and red funny shaped hat. Said his name was Cardi...or somefink like that. Anyway, to cut a short story long, he said he was a Sky Pilot and flew recycled beer cans. It was at this point that Revahlox interupted Brine's musing and said..............
  25. ...warned me about Nanna and her leather outfit, let alone Turbz and his....
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