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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. ...which was in facta hair trigger, not too long, slightly curved, not short and curley like most of them Turbz was used to the short and curley ones and in fit of pique muttered "why wont this work like the others. Everytime I get my finger wrapped around a short and curley one, something always goes bang" It was just about then that Turbz got hit in the back of the head with a well used toe sandal thrown by Elratpoo disguised as a Red Dot indian "Oh so sorry Sahib Turbz" said Maharajaratpoo in a thick indian accent, "I thought you were..................
  2. ......see if she can snap the nuts off my throughbolt" "I must torque to you about that" said Stiffy rather loosley "as I need to........
  3. Now I must warn young Hewhosh@toncoffs not to take any notice of all this waffle that has been pervading this righteous forum of late It just shows to go how devious is that nefarious gang of two known as the Ratsbollocks that they would stoop to such a low tactic to divert attention from their real purpose. After much research and investagitive prowess, I can reveal that Olratpoo and Turbz have hatched a plan to seduce all the young ladies of Burma and FFNQ (hence Turbz meanderings across the top end) in order to breed a super race of potential aviators who will hijack refugee boats and sail them to Cowla where they plan to unseat King Nobu and take over his sacred escape proof camp Once in control of Cowla, they plan to beg, borrow buy and steal every rotaxian engine they can find. By buying up all the available stocks of these engines and selling jabarooter engines really cheaply, they will flood the market and eventually be able hold the rest of the country to ransom for a reliable enjun The only problem with this cunning plan is that Turbz keeps trying to............
  4. PS to all the other reprobates in here. Isnt it good to have new blood to hang sh*t on Hey Andy, I wouldnt do anything as nasty as that, not like all the other knockers in here. Trust me Andy
  5. ...about as useful when trying to initiate a warm response from Nana or Mavis. Even Nobu looks aghast when young Andyshat puts hand to....................
  6. "Dont you dare eat a pussy" interupted Nana, "They are such adorable creatures, why, you can pat them, stroke them and they come in all shapes and sizes." "And.." said Mavis, "Some pussies can even be........
  7. ...on this occasion he misjudged the curved surface area of the aforementioned breast feeding equipment on some of the locals (classified as essential life saving equipment when swimming...inbuilt floaties) and watched in dismay as his......
  8. ...with his teeth
  9. Oooooh, you are a thaditht Planey.......
  10. To tell the truth, if I had my druthers (old timers term) I would love to have four aicraft in my hangar And in no particular order of merit, here they are Mkix Spitfire Mk11 Hurricane Mosquito and Lancaster I would be in heaven.......
  11. I was in the UK in 1979 and had the opportunity to access this aicraft It is a Spitfire Mk1 in original condition and saw service during the BoB I was allowed to sit in the cockpit, close the hood, lower the seat and have the flight of my life (in my mind) It didnt bloody work.................
  12. What I want to know is........... How do I put a bloody photo here..
  13. ...even Nana and Mavis who Turbz had promised to take on his meanderings through the FnQ, but he had slunk out of Bang her home in the middle of the knight (not that there is anything wrong with that) in the hope of sampling the delights of the local lasses Now Turbz, with the aid of his built in smoke generator (methane fogger) had left a trail of destruction and debauchery (dont mention buggery) from one end of FnQ to the other. All this phil-landering (not Queens Landering as originally thought) had raised the ire of certain young ladies who...................
  14. Has history come back to haunt Brine? Could this be the the same Tes and Scratchy that used to frequent the Single Mens Quarters at Gowrie Park in Taswegia (purely for platonic social purposes of course)? Has Tubz stumbled across (drunk again) these delectable creatures from his past? Does Tes still drive the pale blue Zephre Mkii? Is Tes the errant tart in the GPS trying to lure unsuspecting victims into her crutches via Tennant Creek? All these questions and many more will be answered when Turbz......
  15. "See if I care (and other Taswegian expletives)" said Mavis, "I aint preggers, cos Olratspoo used a ........
  16. ......is worth two in the bush" "But what do them Brazillians do?" asked Mavis thinking of her own pre-dick-ament
  17. "Dont even mention their name" demanded Oldratspoo. "We have enough shame and scandal in the family without raising that old hoary chestnut again. I can never forgive them for..........
  18. ...Nobu who was once accused of being a French cooking spy for his penchant for roadkill roo legs garnished with garlic and redwine jus (not just any red wine, but Chateau Le Capitaine Wagga Wagga 36) Nobu has been known to don a gold braid outfit in order to try and bluff his way out of seedy motels without paying, which brings us to the case of the missing......
  19. I thought Chrome only had one option..........bright and shiny
  20. 17. Removal of Board Members. The association in general meeting may by resolution, subject to Section 50 of the Act, remove any Member of the Board from office before the expiration of the Member’s term of office.
  21. Have I told you the one about the two toed sloth?
  22. "Erection!..you call rat erection. You must come to Cowla and see our erection. It even better than RAA. If we no rike candidate, we ship em off to New Guinea" shouted Nobu in a scottish accent (which noone understood, except for TMO who has been to NG) It was at this point that the Inverrness CWA sheilas saw what Elratto (the fallen hero) was holding in his paws and said...............
  23. Now we know where Mavis goes to to get some R&R Turbz has been keeping her hidden all these years
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