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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. It was at this point that Ahroxoff glanced across at Hewhofartslast and with a wistful faraway look in his eye uttered those immortal words............... Curse you, you motheaten rodent, you have usurped me again
  2. "It is only to help TMO with his bollock balancing" whined Turbz "You know he cant ...................
  3. ...to spend time tranthlating what Thcottie thaid for Nobu Turbz, of course is another matter. Everytime Nana comes to a meeting she gets to spend time with Turbz doing...........
  4. Oh bugga, I tried to post it last night but someone had disabled parts of the site and I couldnt do it Curse you, you motheaten rodent, you beat me to it
  5. "Thank god it wasn’t a cottage pie" said Nana "or he would have been shi**ing bricks" Now Nana was really cheesed off with all this lithping about and vowed "If I get hold of that Thcottie, I will show him what a tongue is for" "Now now Nana" cooed Mavis "Don’t get your knickers in a knot, it will only..........
  6. ....looking for Sushi Kimono, the notorious offsider of Nobu the nipponese from Cowla who was rumoured to have a very rare NNP (Nipponese Naked Pussy) and was willing to share the secret of how to get one. Ahroxoff, Turbz and now Elrattus had heard of the fabled NNP and had always wanted to see one. This was their chance Elrattus led the way (Turbz and Ahroxoff were prepared to sacrifice him if need be) towards the ...........
  7. .....Nanna's young pussy (see Post 6572) was getting all the attention from turbz, ahroxoff and Nobu "Its not fair" wailed Mavis "My pussy is younger than hers and the only one that is interested in mine is..........
  8. I have had occasions in the Jab when someone has told me that my transmissions are crap and other times when I have done a check they are 5s My thoughts are that the Jab has the antennae mounted underneath the fuselage. Wouldnt it be better to mount the antenna on the top for maximum radiation with no fear of masking by the fuselage, or better still have an antenna both top and bottom? Any thoughts???
  9. "Stop dittin me or I will get my Mum to give you a good flogging with a ........
  10. bundle of beaded bones from a large demented rodent which was long thought extinct after the invasion of the hairy nosed escapes from Cowra just after the great conflagration of 46 "How did they find their way to our Map of Tassie?" said Nana "Dont you worry about that" said Mavis, "Sometimes it is better if........
  11. ...some one found that TMO's hands were very useful for all sorts of boyish activities, like nose picking, bum scratching and bollock balancing. As soon as this multi use tool was discovered, everyone wanted them, even the girls, which led to TMO being......
  12. ET hands.....
  13. ...casually lifting the left buttock whilst seated in the lotus position on.......
  14. 40.2 hrs, not slow learner, just thorough I must say that it didnt worry me how long it took, I just loved learning and flying around in a Gazelle
  15. Congrats Bigfella, this is one flight you will never forget
  16. "I know about them lawyer folks" said Mavis "They have long silver tongues"..... "Dont talk to me about long tongues" said Nana "I was in a rathole in Wagga once and this less than nefarious person with a gold toof gave me a good tongue lashing which I will never forget" she said with a tear running down her cheek "Even the Major Major ............
  17. 'Oh rats" said Pudden as his prop disintergrated, "I should have used a playing card like me granddad" Now everyone will think I have a jabarooter motor "The shame, the shame, how will I ever.......
  18. Well done Compulsion, now you really are free!
  19. You should be proud mate We are proud of you Cheeras Bryon
  20. If you think I am hanging my "appendage" out in the airstream, my wife has some words for you........
  21. I am in a syndacite that owns a J230D that has had major problems with our engine The question needs to be asked: was the purchase of these circlips only a cost saving measure to ensure Rod Stiff could enjoy a more profitable retirement at our expense? Dont get me wrong, I enjoy flying a Jab, but I have a major issue with their engine It appears to me that Rod is only intereseted in a profit that enables him to live the life he desires and not in ensuring that our lives are safe This is the only conclusion I can come to given that at Natfly this year, when questioned about the overheating problems with jab engines, his response was that they are tuned to Bundaberg weather and the weather in Melbourne was different. WTF!!! Does Rod think we are all idiots?
  22. Jealousy perhaps?????????????
  23. Love it...................... Best thing since sliced bread
  24. Lucky bugga. Why didnt that happen to me when I was a student:roflmao:
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