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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. Maybe that is why we need to set up a board at the Recflying tent that shows our photos, forum name and real name and arrange for a general get together (at the bar) (maybe we could meet at David Isaacs tent and drink his supply of good red wine)
  2. I must have been a really bad boy, cos I can remember getting the cane at least once a week from our maths teacher in primary school. His name was "Cuts" Cullen. Not sure how he got that name......lol I suppose that was better than the maths teacher in high school. His name was "Flick" Patterson and he had a horrible habit of picking his nose and rolling the outcome into little balls. His method of disposing of the little balls was to "flick" them at unruly or inattentative studentys, hence the nickname I suppose that given the amount of punishment I received, it must have had an influence on me as I can still recite my times table and still remember how to use a logs table and do mental arithmatic Whatever people say, I believe that it taught me that there are boundaries in life and whatever I do may have a consequence I think that this is what is needed for some of todays youth Apart from the fact that I lost my virginty earlier than some of my contemporaries, it did me no harm..harm..harm..harm....Oh damn, I need more medication or scotch.......................
  3. What is the point of having a reserve if you are not allowed to use it??????????? Isnt the whole point of allocating a reserve is to ensure that you have it to use in circumstances unforseen such as stronger than forcast headwinds or a sudden change in the weather forcing you to divert
  4. That is a sh*t of a job
  5. And he has taken Mavis as a hostage.............
  6. I used the very same technique whilst driving back from brisbane and my wife and I had a discussion on what makes a plane fly. It did not matter how much theory I told her, she could not grasp the fundamental principle until I got her to hold her arm out the window, palms flat and vary the angle of the hand into the wind Within 5 seconds she understood and could make sense of all the gobbledegook I had been telling her Simple experience of the laws of nature compared to the complexities of language did it for her Cheers Bryon
  7. Nev, shame on you Dont you know that you ..must ...talk ....slower ...for ...a ...queens ..lander ...to ...unnerstand Ask Tommo..........................
  8. Well done Eric, you will remember this day for the rest of your life Cheers Bryon
  9. Thats all he has. They used to be called fantasies
  10. Does the Dollar sign indicate the percentage of tax paid on that statement?????
  11. Thirsty, welcome to the club and I am thankful that everything turned out OK The good thing about this experience is now, when you teach a student emergency procedures, you can do it from first hand experience. The only good thing about jabs, is that you can put into practice your emergency procedures on a regular basis Cheers Bryon
  12. .......the "over the shoulder boulder holders" snickered Mavis, "I remember when all the boys tried to.............
  13. Does size really matter???????
  14. "Did he say my boobs need adjusting?"said Nana "I told you I should have got that bra with the.....................
  15. Ah Ha, finally some sense...... Climate is changing naturally, man does not want it to change because it would mean a rethink on the economics of surviving The climate is changing and the fundamental premise of the alarmists is that man caused the change. Man did not cause the change, BUT is contributing to the speed of the change We cannot stop the change, we can only try to ensure that we do not cause it to speed up to the extent that we suffer from the change before we are ready The carbon tax is only a method of generating income for the the government based on scaremongering If you look at the labour government closely, all they are trying to do is manipulate the economy to the point where we are all dependant on the govt for our survival I see the govt as trying to control every aspect of our lives. Why do you think we have become such a nanny state? We are slowly giving up every right to control our own lives Some of the platitudes that the govt is spouting is straight out of the old communist manifesto " WE own the mineral resources of this land and WE should all share in the wealth that is derived from them" I may be an old cynic, but I despair because between labour and liberal, neither one of them has a leader that I would vote for End of rant.......... Cheers Bryon
  16. That prop doesnt look bent to me. Mind you, I am on medication
  17. So is Canberra
  18. Tomo said "Looking easter over Cecil Plains.." Try as I might, I cannot see a big white bunny in any of those photos.....................
  19. I wanna do it!! I wanna do it!!!!!
  20. Interesting thread... On TO I only check for rotate speed and Vfe and then best rate of climb ASI Once setup for landing on late downwind, it is all attitude with the occasional glance to ensure I am maintaing 65-70 knots ASI until over the threshold and flaring Works for me, what do others think?
  21. You think this is bad, there is another thread here somewhere about flying pussies
  22. Bryon


    Nope, I thought you were speaking from personal experience
  23. This looks like a self portrait of Ozzie training for the photoshoot for his avatar
  24. I beg to differ From what I heard from CASA at Natfly, the RPL has all the priveledges of a PPL with certain restrictions The RA Certificate is not recognised OS, but it appears that the RPL is designed along the same lines as the US sports pilot and as it is a license issued by CASA may be valid I may be wrong, so if someone else can put us right it would be appreciated Cheers Bryon
  25. I noticed it Nev. Very clever
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