Ah Ha, finally some sense......
Climate is changing naturally, man does not want it to change because it would mean a rethink on the economics of surviving
The climate is changing and the fundamental premise of the alarmists is that man caused the change.
Man did not cause the change, BUT is contributing to the speed of the change
We cannot stop the change, we can only try to ensure that we do not cause it to speed up to the extent that we suffer from the change before we are ready
The carbon tax is only a method of generating income for the the government based on scaremongering
If you look at the labour government closely, all they are trying to do is manipulate the economy to the point where we are all dependant on the govt for our survival
I see the govt as trying to control every aspect of our lives. Why do you think we have become such a nanny state?
We are slowly giving up every right to control our own lives
Some of the platitudes that the govt is spouting is straight out of the old communist manifesto " WE own the mineral resources of this land and WE should all share in the wealth that is derived from them"
I may be an old cynic, but I despair because between labour and liberal, neither one of them has a leader that I would vote for
End of rant..........