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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. I am not trying to start a rumour but,...................a civil servant aquaintance of a friend of my sister told her to let me know that Jabiru engines were designed by GA pilots at the request of CASA to ensure that RA pilots could put into practice their emergency procedure training. My question is: Can we trust the government?
  2. So.....size does matter?
  3. I said You guys have got it all wrong Rod mentioned at Natfly that if we are having a problem with the engines (I am) it is because we are all operating them wrong. He said that the reason we are having overheating problems with the 3000 engine is because they are tuned to operate in Bundaberg and we have different weather in Melbourne. I wasnt sure whether he was recommending that all Jab drivers in Melbourne relocate to Bundy or that we get Jab to retune them for Melbourne weather Any suggestions? Cheers Bryon I heard Rod make this statement and was flabbergasted I posted it here as a bit of tongue in cheek posting to see the reaction At the time I felt that Rod must think we are stupid and would believe such an idiotic statement I was angry that he would treat his customers this way If that is his attitude, maybe he should get out of the business Bryon
  4. You guys have got it all wrong Rod mentioned at Natfly that if we are having a problem with the engines (I am) it is because we are all operating them wrong. He said that the reason we are having overheating problems with the 3000 engine is because they are tuned to operate in Bundaberg and we have different weather in Melbourne. I wasnt sure whether he was recommending that all Jab drivers in Melbourne relocate to Bundy or that we get Jab to retune them for Melbourne weather Any suggestions? Cheers Bryon
  5. Not even gonna comment incase the missus reads it....................
  6. Ask yourself this does it impinge on your ability to fly If you said no, what is the problem We are all pilots and this class BS is all BS Up in the air, we are all the same We fly because we want to...... Enjoy!
  7. It is not about glorifying war, it is about respecting those men and women who did what they had to do to allow us the priveledge of discussing it in freedom I honour those men and women and ask myself; would I have the strength to make the same sacrifices that they did Lest we forget
  8. The mind boggles
  9. .....and thats when the fight started.:peepwall:
  10. Q: How can you tell a guitarist is at your door? A: By the Dominos Pizza hat.
  11. At least you have got a drummer in that piccie Frank. What I want to know is......... How many old drummers are there in this forum??????
  12. Geez! thats a bit tough, replied Mavis. My best mate from down in the Nong, and I, have been getting a fair bit of excercise lately:bounce: :bounce:and as a result I lost--------------- ....me best pair of french knickers cos the waist lakky wasnt tight enuff" "Oooooh, I hope elratto dont find em" said Nana, "cos then he will.....................
  13. Ian said "we often have 40 odd users online " Good one Ian......
  14. "Who is Cecil and what sort of plane does he have?" asked Mavis "If you want gas" said Nana, "All you have to do is go for a flight with Loxy after he has had a big fry up for breakfast" "Oh yeah" laughed Mavis, "I remember when..................
  15. My first bike was a BSA 500 single ZM20. Paid $50 for it, sold it for $70 and bought an ex army olive green WLA 750 complete with leather army saddle bags for $100 Had a couple of other bikes as well, but kept the WLA throughout. Finally sold it for $400 a few years later
  16. ......a TJJSF (Tomo Jabiroota Joint Strike F***cker) without the mandatory exhaust baffles (keeps em kooler said the youngun)" It was at this point that Elratto moved his tail to one side and in a loud voice said................
  17. You lucky, lucky bugga............. I am so jealous
  18. ...salvation, as they all believed that the GodofBoB (Elratto in a sequined lime green leotard with matching fishnets and silver stillettos) was angry with them for......
  19. I still have about 200 war comics (Commando, War, Air Ace etc) I used to have over 1000 (listed and sorted in numerical order)
  20. ....Sir Nobu (who was in reality a wholesale whale meat merchant in the pay of the notorious whale catchers syndicate) could raise the price of his chicken sushi (tastes like chicken, looks like chicken, but is really whale blubber [erky perky]) to offset the cost of the litigation for salmonella poisoning from the pizza business in which he was a silent partner. Now, Sir Nobu, or as he liked to be known, Big Nob, had recently tried to do a stock market takeover of the "Brue Oyster Bra" but was foiled by MsLoxy. "A 38 double D bra, fishnet stockings and a sequined g-string do a lot for..............
  21. RIP Sam Walk softly across the clouds so that we who will come later can follow in your footsteps
  22. ....some crazy dog trying to bite him on the dangly bits. "I did not" said nana, "It happened at the Blue Oyster Bar, I had dropped my teef and loxy was under the table looking for them" "They must have got caught in his fishnets"
  23. .........was why I learnt to breathe through my ears" "And we do appreciate a skill like that" said Mavis Nana said "I wish I knew him before.......................
  24. ...........found out about the umbrella treatment (brings tears to tha eyes) after the visit to the pox doctor "Lox is a doctor?" queried Mavis "No wonder he always wanted to look at my...............
  25. I prefer a fur burger. It is a great main course
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