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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. Turbo, even the politicians who make the laws are not expected to be able to read and understand them. Maybe an "Explanatory Memorandum" outlining the basis of the CAA and regs can be developed that would be an introductory or first reference point for all pilots
  2. "I have had some of my best nights in those sort of hotels" said Mavis "Where the men are men and the women are........................
  3. ........cos last time, Elratto was a bit hungry and wanted something to nibble on" "Tell him Nobby is over there" said Nana "Oooooh, he must be nuts" intoned Mavis "I dont care if he is two sheep short in the top paddock" yelled Loxie "Just get me out of here, I am needed down at the BOB to deliver the................
  4. [quote="Captain, post: 196247, member: 51 And my sister from NZ has seen him in the flesh and also definitely states that he is "fetish", being about 10 kgs overweight.. he he , very clever Rats, I like it.....
  5. Bryon


    It is not getting into Queens Land that would worry me........................it is being able to get back out that should concern you:roflmao:
  6. .....memos to Joolya warning her of the GFC (Great Flying Crisis) caused by............
  7. "Does Wayne Swan wear a sportsbra?" asked Nana whilst cupping a hand to her rear ear "No, you sirry iriot" replied Sir Nobu. "Is Ahroxoff who is learing sportsbra at Bru Oyster Bra" "Wayne Swan is learing.........
  8. Fly high, fly free and may all your dreams have wings Happy new year Bryon
  9. ......rum balls" It was at this point that..............
  10. "Oh you cruel bugga" said Mavis, "What did a pussy ever do to you?" "I could tell you some horrific stories involving doctors visits and penicillin" chimed in Elratto "Uth boyth at the Blue Oyster Bar dont like puthies either" lithped Ahlocth "No wonder" said Nana, "All you ever do is..................
  11. Guernsey and David, have a look at the photo, from the way the half spat is mounted and curves around the wheel, it looks like the bottom of the spat is open. If that is the case, it would work well All you need to do is paint the wheel hub blue to match it
  12. It is not side by side or tandem seating.......................it must be over and under seating
  13. ........tassells when you twirled them in the wrong direction" This had upset Nana (she liked her tassells being twirled in the right direction) and she suddenly threw down her drink (waste of cheap plonk), grabbed Elratto by his ..........
  14. Fly often, fly far and fly well. Merry Christmas everyone......................
  15. ...cos he knew Mavis was waiting in the wings to bring out the christmas pudding. She was wearing a skimpy possum skin bikini as a special treat for Turbro who loved seeing her ...........
  16. Maybe it was a error during transcription. F and H look very similar in olde englifh
  17. Which branch are the moderators on?
  18. So, let me see if I have this right; vertically challenged people are heartless workers who will go on strike at the peak need time of the year with the possibility of disappointing millions of kids Locksy is an long term habitual liar; Dogs are disobedient; Reindeer are lazy cunning buggas who are prone to kicking people in the goolies; Farriers are drunkards; You cant get customer service from a carpenter; Wives are unhelpful and Fairies need mounting up a tree. I have also noted that Santa... is useless as a carpenter, cant shoe a reindeer for nuts, doesnt wear protective clothing around dangerous animals, cannot negotiate a workplace agreement, has no idea of how to load a goods carrying vehicle with respect to W&B swears like a trooper and is prone to violent outbursts Have I missed anything?
  19. Can we do both at once? Then I will feel twice as good
  20. It was at this point in the saga that Salty (who was known to dispense wise old sayings at odd times) looked Nana fair square in all three eyes and said.. "La plume de ma tante......." Salty's jaw dropped as two visions of loveliness dressed in sequined ledehosen, feather adorned tyrolean hats and cowboy boots flounced up to him and said.... "Never mind the pen thweetie, Turbth and I want to know where you are going to put the....................
  21. ..........dangled from my doodle (art term to avoid the mad mods) to attract............
  22. Don't talk to me about climate change! I am still waiting for summer to start...............
  23. Now that is hitting below the belt W68..................
  24. What happens if the bus has an engine failure, could we be BUSted and BUShed, Piston Broke
  25. ....tattoo of a Beercan in full flight" Very few people knew of this Tattoo (not even his Mum) as he had aquired it whilst in a state of severe inebriation. The Famous Ahrocksoff Tattoo Incident (FATI) occurred while he was visiting a nightclub of dubious reputation on the wharves just outside the gate to the naval base in downtown Saigon. Ahrocksy is still a little confused about the details of the FATI and refuses to discuss it with old sailors that bring up the subject. Especially when they mention...........
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