So, let me see if I have this right;
vertically challenged people are heartless workers who will go on strike at the peak need time of the year with the possibility of disappointing millions of kids
Locksy is an long term habitual liar;
Dogs are disobedient;
Reindeer are lazy cunning buggas who are prone to kicking people in the goolies;
Farriers are drunkards;
You cant get customer service from a carpenter;
Wives are unhelpful and
Fairies need mounting up a tree.
I have also noted that Santa...
is useless as a carpenter,
cant shoe a reindeer for nuts,
doesnt wear protective clothing around dangerous animals,
cannot negotiate a workplace agreement,
has no idea of how to load a goods carrying vehicle with respect to W&B
swears like a trooper and is
prone to violent outbursts
Have I missed anything?