....the furtive movements of Brine as he tries desperately to slip in and out of the NES without even a semicolon to show he had been there. Speaking of colons (semi or otherwise) he is happy to report that the photos show his to be clean as a whistle.
Whilst (Rattyref) he was on the table, and under the influence of various drugs, he noticed a very well endowed good looking young to middle aged nurse who reminded him of a certain person known to frequent this forum. It was at this junction in the hallucinations of Brine that there appeared an apparition that resembled Turdy at his most salubrious mumbling.........
I was fortunate enough to have a ride in the tail turret for a full four engine run up taxi in Just Jane
The pilot was an ex WW11 lancaster pilot and gave all of us a full tour of the aircraft and commentary
All I can say is....thank god I wasnt in it during war time
The only crew who had any chance of getting out of it in a hurry in an emergency were the mid upper and the bombaimer
Apart from those details, it was absolutely fantastic
The tail bounces a foot off the ground during the runup even with the pilot holding full up elevator to keep it on the ground
Just one other thing to note is the footprints in the mud/sand
The length of the stride is for a normal size person ( I assume)
If it is a normal size person, then the Hawk (and its occupants) must be about 1/4 scale
I didnt say CASA issues ASICs
What I was referring to is that they are issued by the government of Australia, BUT why wont one government department recognise identification issued by another department of the same government.....
ASICs are a form of identification to some departments, but not others
What gets up my nose is that CASA is an arm of the government of Australia (I think????)
That government has already sighted and verified my birth certificate in order to issue me a passport
When it comes to an ASIC (issued by that govt of Aus), my passport is insufficient evidence and they want my birth certificate as the primary (A) source of evidence of who I am
When I go to another department of government, they want my passport as the primary source of evidence of who I am and my birth certificate does not cut it because it doesnt have a piccy of me on it
Obviously they all work in silos and dont talk to each other
The Hurricane....ugly.....How dare you
In terms of functionality at the time, it was the most beautiful plane ever, ask any pilot who flew them
Just sayin.....no offense intended
I have found that one of the biggest hurdles to successful weight loss is usually mindset
For example: every time I get the urge to exercise, I lay down and wait until the urge passes
This is when I realised that weight loss is detrimental to your mental health
So now I dont get stressed over weight loss and I am happy
Before CASA was involved, I was at Temora and had the opportunity to talk to Rod Stiff. I asked him why I was having overheating problems in my Jab 230
He asked me where the plane was based and I said Tooradin in Victoria, and he said " Thats your problem, the engines are tuned for Bundaberg weather, not Victorian weather"
My reaction was WTF!!!!
That was when I decided to change aircraft
Oh Dave, dont you know that you just gave him more ammunition to use against us OzziesPS Hey Phil, when I come over again, can we go to the pub for a pint?????
EDIT, I like a pint of bitter, preferably a local brew