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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. That is dangerous Doug, lets hope that Darks doesnt see it
  2. .....face if I get hold of you" interupted Ahrocksoff. "Those are my best fishnets and the ones I always wear to the Blue Oyster Club" "Next time you wear em" said Elratto "make sure you shave your legs first as I hate it when.............
  3. .....of course, transendental meditation, why didnt I think of it before, we can.............
  4. ......threw a real hissy fit, for Bubbles was only her stage name. Her real name was George Aloyicious Magillacuddy from Dalby (it is Queens Land after all). She didnt like to be called 'it' (Adams Family term) and had taken to resorting to physical violence whenever 'it' was used. Bubbles would give any miscreant a nasty chinese burn to get them to mind their tongue. She was even prone to giving them a severe lashing with her feather boa whilst reciting the teachings of J B-P in a nasal whine. Many a man had suffered this treatment, which is why......................
  5. .....into harmonic resonation (just like a couple of songbirds in the reception of a high class bordello at peak hour (Elratto told me about it)) This of course causes unsynchronised vibration throughout the.........
  6. ......jar of vaseline for when I am..........
  7. Thems clouds Iggy
  8. "Now hold it right there" drawled ditdahfromdalby "I am from Queens- land and have lots of experience and dont wear a rf williams belt. As a matter of fact I wear a.................
  9. perhaps there should only be one set of danglies per avatar, that way people could choose which side to hang them as per their usual mode of dress.
  10. Nope, but the tail lights would look great following along behind
  11. "Speaking of the dreaded moderati..." intoned Mavis "Shhhh, not so loud" said Flashasaratwiffagoldtoof "or we could end up in the chat room as punishment and then we would have to..............
  12. Bull, you should try borrowing his gold lame leotard. All the boys/girls/whatever love the way it hugs his curves and shows off his attributes:roflmao:
  13. bull..............
  14. Double rats.............pipped at the post by the flashing fang and
  15. "Rubbish" sneered Mavis. "All you have done is lay around the house scratching yer bollocks while Nana and I have been trying to make an income" "I cant help it if you only go to that run down place on the edge of Waggle Waggles. You know the owner is only interested in polishing his gold toof and cricket and doesnt give a rats about ....................."
  16. .....someone complained that the quality of cheesecutters was deteriorating. "If anyone opens their lunchbox, make sure it is a good one. We have a standard to uphold" said Turdbro This led to the great revolution of..............................
  17. "Oh ye of little faith, be of good cheer, for there is always a bottle of scotch near" thus spake Single Malt the great spirit of whisky. And it came to pass that all who asked were gifted with the holy drink and all rejoiced.......................................
  18. I resemble that remark..hic..................................................................................................................hic...
  19. ....chucked a wobbly (laughing fat lady person term) which caused Bing to start on his most famous song - I'm dreaming of...........
  20. .......Mavis "or duck smuff" said Nana Now all this banter made Nobu (celebrity knight, raconteur and general all round kamikaze expert and tutor (like turdbro)) extremely nervous as he was prone to..........
  21. "She sounds like a Noo Zulland wutch" said Mavis. "I wonder where she got her her broom stuck frum?"
  22. "Clap, you sirry iriots" said turdbro in his best Right Honorable Sir Nobu AM, PM (Joolya took all day to invest him) impression "Wot a road of clap. We instarr insuration, not frying foxes. We no harm furry rittle rodents, not even ..........
  23. Is there currently any electric planes in the circuit
  24. "as long as you use led and rite" said Nobu, "rets be poritticary collect, no more brack and rite" this of course lead to...........
  25. If that is the Case, I like it. It wil give all those people that want entry to CTA the opportunity to do it without having to change RAA and imposing a whole lot of new restrictions on us
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