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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. ........that can be used to buy a cheep hostelry on the outskirts (female term) of an off the beaten track place like Waggle Waggles or...........
  2. "That way you keep it orr in famiry" said Miko, "and you be giben honolary ciritizenship of gleat souf rand along wiff............................
  3. Betcha he met some resistance from his current missus
  4. .....which caused great angst amongst the populace, as not everyone could speak slow enough to............
  5. ....in between trying to find paying customers for Turdbro's nefarious activities. This of course led to the infamous...........
  6. .......the sun dont shine "Would rat be lising sun?" asked Nobu "No you plurry iriot" snapped Nobu's missus Miko "You be rising if I give you leaming" she snarled as she.......
  7. someone had stolen his landing strip, at least he thought it was stolen. It was there in his paddock when he left it last night but it was definately gone now. He rang his next door neighbour, Tony Tecnam, who said, ".................. (see post #2)
  8. ....when she goes pear shaped..........
  9. OME, check out this supplier http://streamline.8k.com/FAIRINGS.htm Cheers Bryon
  10. .....with a tendency to pee in teepees. This habit seems to upset Plays-with-Lox who...............
  11. I am still waiting for mine..................
  12. .....lateral support ties provided by our resident alien Nobu, who was prone to............
  13. 'Bugga orf Louise" snarled Mavis, 'Ahroxorf in a firies uniform (or out of it) is all I want for Xmas, so go find yourself another...........
  14. '....fffffffffffor heavens sssssssssake nnnnnnnnana, gggggggive me a bbbbbbbreak, I have oooooooonly just llllllearned tttttttooooooo........
  15. ....and Nana (in her other guise as grammar (grandma (childish spelling)) told the goldtoof one (flashasaratwiffagoldtoof) said 'Dont eat wiff you mouf full son........
  16. you have my indulgence, but I want to see a huge smiley when the CFI says "you are now freee to travel where you like"
  17. which can lead to wyalong, wandong, wagga wagga, wangarattta....
  18. He will recover......eventually:roflmao:
  19. Nooooo....dont mention that. Even the Rat would be .....................
  20. Bugga....see what happens when you daydream about reaching post #500 and what you are gonna write and how profound it might be Oooohh Bugga again.............
  21. ...which he had purchased on evilbay from the 'Plastic Fantastic MECC-ANO' online shop in downtown Japan (via Cowra). The owner of this nefarious establishment was listed as one Knob, alias Noba, Nobu, Sir Nobulus or simply Nob. NOB et al was also noted as a world class escape artist (see wakipedia), chef, womaniser, underwater swimmer and occasional submarine captain as well as a jabaroota pilot. Much to the chagrin of some of some of his accomplicies, NOB was known to frequent the upper echelons of power where even a gold toof was not a worthy entry level pass. It was his command of the engrish that endeared him to those who could and would save the icons of this country. The 'Red Rat' ( name courtesy the wrinkled date) was toofless aginst our Joolya. Not many peeple knew that Joolya depended on NOB for advice and that he had told her......................
  22. ....Premier Agricultural College of Waikerie where the closest they got to religion was when Mavis (she moved around a lot) would shout "Ohhh God" whilst in the middle of.......
  23. Bugga, slow fingers again (beaten by the flashrat with fast digits)
  24. ....Tubbo in his pink tutu, porished helemet and Nu zearand accent would be a good decoy for ........
  25. WARNING!!! WARNING!!! What a cunning person this Turbo character is.... we must be careful here before responding to this obviously tempting trap We need to analyse the message 1. 'screaming event' - was this a full blown hissy fit that would do any child credit? 2. 'camp' - afew years ago, this was used to describe someone who was batting for the other team eg as camp as a row of boy scout tents 3. if the 'mutton bird catchers' are male, are they in danger of being 'camped'? 4. who does he 'send his love' to? 5. who is this 'Fakir' and what is his involvement with Nu Zulland possums?? I believe that Ahroxoff should lead a delegation to Nu Zulland (apparently he can speek the language) to get answers to the many unanswered questions that are being bandied about This is a matter of grave national concern and has Joolyas attention (not that there is anything wrong with that) Maybe we should get Nobu, the Japanese version of James Bond, on the case.
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