...which he had purchased on evilbay from the 'Plastic Fantastic MECC-ANO' online shop in downtown Japan (via Cowra). The owner of this nefarious establishment was listed as one Knob, alias Noba, Nobu, Sir Nobulus or simply Nob. NOB et al was also noted as a world class escape artist (see wakipedia), chef, womaniser, underwater swimmer and occasional submarine captain as well as a jabaroota pilot.
Much to the chagrin of some of some of his accomplicies, NOB was known to frequent the upper echelons of power where even a gold toof was not a worthy entry level pass. It was his command of the engrish that endeared him to those who could and would save the icons of this country.
The 'Red Rat' ( name courtesy the wrinkled date) was toofless aginst our Joolya.
Not many peeple knew that Joolya depended on NOB for advice and that he had told her......................