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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. I have thought about that and every time I get the urge to exercise, I lay down and wait until the urge passes:rofl:
  2. I always thought that the quickest way to lose 5 kg was to eat eat a whole bar of that special chocolate...luck, lacks, lax lacksets, whatever..........
  3. ....put six eppeelets on each shoulder just to show you how important I am" "Oooooh, I wish he was a Nu Zullander" cood Mavis "Cos then he would have said six like.........
  4. The question is........ When you saw him, were you looking in.......or out?????? Of course we cannot shouldnt rumourmonger, but......it is well known that Elratto has been seen conversing in a rather florid manner with nattily dressed types (those with gold embellishments on their shoulders) at public gatherings.......
  5. If the ASICs are cancelled, all the money saved can be used to buy these devices.......terrorism problem solved:roflmao:
  6. "As long as it not a cockpit" said Mavis, "Cos with that tongue, I would hope that the rumours that he is batting for the other team are wrong" "Dont you worry bout that" said Elratto (who reminded people of Jo Bjelke) " I have it on good authority that he..........
  7. lipth with a wather longith languid looth tongue for he wath a cunning linguitht............
  8. .......gen-u-whine append-a-dick-to-me quarter turn locking rivet (someone in wagga has a fetish about these)" "Well, bugga orf to Cowra" said Slartwhofartslast. "I hear tell that they have a foreign navy in there at the moment and with those fishnets on, you might catch somefink" "Oh I thay" said Turbz in his most mawkish whining effeminate accent "How could you be tho.................
  9. Bugga....
  10. "Now you are speaking my language" mumbled Mavis "I wanna see whats in those magazines that Turbs is all excited over" sneered Nana "Leave him alone" said Mavis. "I have already told him he will go blind" "Who is this 'Queen' he keeps going on about. He isnt batting for the other team now is he?" slurred Nana who was known to have one too many before the sun was over the yardarm (nautical term) "Maybe he just loves to dress up and...............
  11. who were now on the endangered species list Ever since the Ratbros had invaded their habitat, the rivetfetish population had been declining The International Friends of the Rivetfetish (IFR) who had taken up residence at Cowra (not that there is anything wrong with that) proposes to castrate every Ratbros in the region in an effort preserve the cuddly little creatures "Ahhhhsooo" said Sir Nobulus the IFR leader "We rike rivetfetish and must do research. That is why we have factory ship and harpoons in Cowra Harbour. We try to ............
  12. Does he have a head for heights......
  13. Well in that case, hang him twice to make sure :peepwall: sorry darks, present not quite legally qualified female trainees excepted....
  14. "Ooooooohhh what a big staff you have" cooed Mavis "Never mind the size of it" said Nana " let him get on with his begatting" "Allo, allo, allo" said Poxyloxy the policeman waving his truncheon (not that there is anything wrong with that) "dont you reprobates know that begatting is................
  15. Bryon


    Tomo, expect to get severely chastised by some of the talented and good looking female pilots we have here on the forums (I am married )
  16. Whisky lovers unite and drive out the unbelievers, the bourbon drinkers and others of such ilk.......................
  17. "No wonder he is stressed" said Mavis "With that number of threads per inch ("size is important" mumbled Nana ), you can imagine the amount of torque that can be applied to any nuts he has got" "Stop talking (torquing....geddit) like that" exclaimed Elrattso "Me and Sloppybuttcrack need to get out of this closet and your remarks are bringing.........................
  18. Is it true that if the telephone cable between Tassie and the mainland is cut, Tassie will float away...:peepwall:
  19. Got mine......
  20. You can now write PIC and mean it Congratulations
  21. "Tell him he is dreaming" snorted Slartifartslast (long time NES contributor). "He should go across to New Zulland where the men are men and the sheep are nervous" "Or he could come down to Taswegia" remarked WhoTFCares. "Down here we could guarentee him a..........
  22. "ooooohhhh look at those calf muscles" cooed Mavis "Calves" poopoohed Nana "He looks more like a bull with those dangly bits" "Them are his all weather fully automatic possum attracting bait carriers" mumbled Elratto :cool_shades: "I used to have a pair like that until..........
  23. "Didnt anybody tell you that smoking wasnt good for your health" sneered Mavis "Should I check to see if he can do the drawback?' asked Nana as she picked up two house bricks.......................
  24. How do you think I got the wife to agree to flying lessons for me.......... Cost me a new kitchen reno, but it was worth it
  25. play nice, remember both boys and girls use this site...mod
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