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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. See what happens if you upset Darks, the mods jump all over you.
  2. This is a great story and should be an inspiration to everyone....but I dont want one because then I would have to start listening to the missus. She already says that I have selective deafness:oh yeah:
  3. Yeah, you are right Dave.....see what a 16 hour day does to your thinking. I got a day ahead of myself, thought it was hump day
  4. I want one. The missus loves kitchen gadgets
  5. It is almost thursday morning......where is the confession???
  6. What are "Wuggles" and "Trum"?
  7. She who must be obeyed came for a flight with me. Her conditions....limit 1 hour, no steep turns, no bumps, gentle everything, no farting in confined space Four out of five aint bad........
  8. Dave, Once is bad enough, but to have it happen twice..................I bet your pucker wont relax for at least a week Go and buy yourself a Tatts ticket I would definately be looking at trying to reproduce the problem ...on the ground.... The suggestion of tying the tail down sounds like it could be the go for me after you have checked all the lines for low points, humps or slight kinks. Even a slight constriction could do it. Anyway, congratulations on another good save Cheers Bryon
  9. Dave, I cant help you with the fuel problem, but congratulations on getting the bird down safe Cheers Bryon
  10. Speaking of a visit to a brothel and little members........have I told you the one about the union official..........................................
  11. So sad, my condolences to the pilots family and I wish the pax a speedy recovery.
  12. ....and that was because.....
  13. Lets be correct about this The ALP can PAY for roots in a brothel, that does not mean they can organise one
  14. Why would he mistreat an aged Indian, doesnt he like India ......or old people????
  15. Bryon

    Jabiru Web Site

    Bugga the website, fix the cooling problem.....:DirtDOG::DirtDOG:
  16. Pud, isnt Gay short for Gaylene? Mate, if I was you, I would plaster her photo all over the plane to ensure I got enuff brownie points to last a lifetime You never know, you could need a few brownie points in the future
  17. I dont believe them when girls tell me this......
  18. Sounds like my missus......
  19. recreational Flying.... read from ground to map, if you dont know where you are, you shouldnt be there
  20. Most government documents are easy to understand.... They are devised by a politician (speak lots, but say nothing) written by a beaurocrat (use twenty words to say what can be said in two) and approved by a solicitor (confuse, divert and obfuscate)
  21. I was taught this: Imagine two sticks.One end of each stick attached to the control column, the other end of each stick attached to the corresponding rudder pedal As you moved the control column to the left, the left rudder moved forward, as you moved the control column to the right, the right rudder pedal moved forward Automatic coordinated turns That is how to do it..... One does not follow the other, they both move together It is like marriage, practice makes perfect
  22. A bride who promises to Love, Honour and OBEY ......:peepwall:
  23. KA, try Peninsula Aero Club at Tyabb http://www.pac.asn.au/ Dave Bell is the RAA CFI there
  24. Don, do not bring logic or common sense into this thread Just remember that this is RAA and confusion and secrecy is the business of the day :peepwall:
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