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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. "Is against the raw to serve anything law" chimed in Mun Ching Missus whilst she was trying to stuff a peking duck (NTTIAWWT)
  2. cuddled up next to Mavis like wot Ahrocksoff does (this makes the bangerhome resident and Elratto very jealous)
  3. ......medicine where urine had been replaced by salted water. Plus, he had just piddled his pants.......
  4. ...frantically flapping his feathered ...........
  5. All this talk of mass immigration from China had upset Norbu. "I was ere first" he said :rule: "I not rike dis new poricy from rabour party. I send jooria nasty retter :mail: and go on hunger stike in cowra (near Srartis place). Me makeup sign....No more rice, send em to marasia" :japan: "Miaowww" was heard emanating from the bowels of Canberra "Ah ha, dims sims' said Norbu........
  6. "I dont care what nationality he is" said Mavis, "All I know is that he is as tight as a fishes bum at 30 fathoms and it is no use asking him for a lend of anything. The only time he shared anything (Graeme, post 5368) was when he was contagious" "How do you fink he got that gold fang" said Nana, "It wasnt from.........
  7. And we all know how much Elratto loves to bend the truth "I can vouch for that" said Mavis, "He told me he could ............
  8. I read it, I still dont understand it
  9. I hate skinny people, I am always trying to lose weight to get extra fuel or baggage on board
  10. Now, now Ahlocks, lets not get ageist:csm:
  11. .......fart a lot" "But they are good company on long flights" chimed in young Tomo "They dont criticise my flying or complain about the turbulence (bumpy air, not Bangherhome resident) like some other people I know"
  12. than a possum looking at his future as a thong at one of Slartis infamous lingerie parties where all the women are ............
  13. ze nervous sheepz = (Kiwi term) a well known reflex action as a result of.........
  14. ze nervous catz = a shaking pussy = overcaffeined Mavis If I wasnt so modest, I would be perfect
  15. ........that wonderful hit by Abba, 'Gimme Gimme Gimme a Man After Midnight' which has become AHrocksoff unofficial anthem (plus he can use his falsetto to hit the high notes) "That song brings a tear to my eyes and a tingling in my loins " said Mavis "Unforunately, everytime that I have been down up with AHrocksoff, the joystick gets in the way" she moaned "I know how to get around that" said Nana "All you have to do is.............
  16. "She has been most intrigued by the state of agitation of our flock of Merinos" said Turbs "Everytime a recycled beercan type of aircraft lands here, they all rush to the gate of the paddock with a faraway look in their eyes and Horace the ram just lays down and groans" "Sometimes I wonder if Elratto..............
  17. Was she good looking and did anyone try to stop her?
  18. "Are they related to the Nut Manatees at Stanley?" asked Livingstone, "because I have been trying to find them since........
  19. I cant see the humour in this
  20. ...and is manifested by a seemingly inexhaustible array of gaseous emissions from one's ventral exhaust system. "That explains that malingering odour hanging around the cockpit after a flight" said Mavis :yuk: "I always thought that it was............
  21. ....pondering the pontifications of a lazy layabout from Bangerhome." "I wish I had a jaunty saunter like O'Dalby' he mused, "Then I could.............
  22. "But still only a dishlicker" intoned Mavis "I want one" stated Nana, "I was a bit of a dish in me younger days........
  23. Not to mention the one in the starboard strut.......
  24. ".........Mavis with the Magnificent Boobies" volunteered Poxie "I remember when were in the orange spotted thingy that we borrowed from Farti and she...........
  25. "Wagga aint got fleas" declared Mavis "You can get crabs there, if you go to one of Poxies infamous soirees" declared Nana "Well I never" said Elrattus.............
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