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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. Good on ya Darky, I bet you wont be able to stop smiling for a week Now for the Pax and XC Congrats
  2. "What operation?" wailed voluptuousyoungnana "I never volunteered for any medical experiments. Flashasaratwithagoldtooth didnt say anything about getting cut up when he convinced me to join the tubbs on his midnight excursions" 'Will voluptuousyoungnana get out of this mess?????" 'Who will fly in to save her????' :man flying:
  3. "You Cad, You bounder.......but oh so dastardly evil" mewed the darkone "I like it .....the oold sew the possum teeth in the seat trick" "This RAA election is getting more interesting every day" she thought.........:super: "But beware all ye who dare to enter into .................
  4. What I want to know is.......who in their right mind would put a throttle between their legs in the first place??????? :confused:
  5. "Will the real Ian Baker please stand up"
  6. "How dare you", she intoned "There is nothing embarrassing about the Really Special Possum Cooks Association . Even the Ranga not in the lodge :stirring pot: has tasted our delights" "Not so", said Krudd the dud, "I remember when.............
  7. I am just off OS where I have seen an A5 kneeboard with fold forward clear pockets which I want to have a look at. I will let you know what it is like when I get back Cheers Bryon
  8. No, the Ranga is already running the country:laugh:
  9. This is not funny........I resemble those remarks:laugh:
  10. Well done Andrew, give yourself a big pat on the back It doesnt matter how old you are, it is a great achievment Let us know when you get the endorsements and happy flying Cheers Bryon
  11. Twat was it you said?
  12. All of the above........welldone
  13. The FI gasped....and thought to himself "has she guessed that I bathe in AVGAS to try and be more attractive to her" :face and heart:
  14. Crezzi, we are heading to Somerset (uuuuuuuuummmmmmm scrumpy), Dorset, Devon and Cornwall for a couple of weeks and then maybe off to Paris for the missus to go shopping and a tour through the champagne region and along the battlefields of the Western Front
  15. What I want to know is.................. Are those sunnies glued to your face?
  16. I may be heading off to the UK for 4 or 5 weeks and wondered if anybody knew whether the RAA Pilots Cert is valid in UK and what I would need to do to be able to fly there Cheers Bryon PS I have had a look at the CAA site and cannot find anything
  17. My FI explained it this way Two answers are obviously wrong , of the other two, if you understand the subject, you will know which is right :hittinghead: BUT whatever you do RTFQ and try to understand what information they want
  18. I knew there had to be someone as depraved :beg:as me on this forum I was just wondering who?????
  19. OK, now I have your attention I need to ask a simple question I have seen a couple of lists of survival equipment and a year or so ago there was a thread about a list of things that were carried, but, what I want to know is If I got a vest like a fishermans/cameramans vest with all the pockets etc. and renamed it a flying vest What would you recommend as the basic equipment to carry on any xc flight? This has to include basic survival gear (I am talking minimal light weight) and everyday usage Enlighten me! Cheers Bryon
  20. Love it Great story and sounds like a great trip Hope I can do something like that one day Cheers Bryon
  21. Maj, I know the tailwheel is a problem Have you thought about a retractable boom tailwheel extending from the rear of the pod. The reverse of the Long EZ A simple wind down mechanism or drop and latch would suffice with safety wheels on the tailfins Just a thought Cheers Bryon
  22. I hope you find one...... No really, congratulations, next step, navs and then the world is yours Cheers and many happy hours flying Bryon
  23. LOL:laugh:
  24. Pioneer, thanks for that. I know we all train to be able to react to a situation like that, but, the training is only a taste of the real thing Each situation is different and can only be judged by the PIC at the time Sometimes we make the right decisions and sometimes the wrong ones I am only happy that the decisions I made were right for me at the time, but I am still very conscious of the fact that one minute sooner or later or the wrong decision could have ended in disaster for me and Glen I just hope that I am never put in that position again and I can only stress that everyone needs to constantly practice their forced landing technique until it becomes second nature to them Every situation is different, but if you have the training behind you, you can survive After last weekend, I think my work/life balance will be changing a little towards the life side I appreciate your questions and would have asked them myself of someone else in the same situation We all learn from each other Cheers and happy flying Bryon
  25. when out of the west rode ......SUPER PILOT.... resplendant in his star spangled jock strap and gold lame cape "Hi Ho' he tootled on his vevelu..vev...bloody horn "here I come to save the ..........
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