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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. I assume that you dont let your wife read this forum:laugh:
  2. And that is the simple answer, he can get real testicle if needed:hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead:
  3. My thoughts... MTOW to 650-700Kg or we could end up with a whole lot of poorly maintained C150, C152s etc that are flying time bombs with the potential to very quickly give us a bad name and a reason for CASA to take over limited entry to controlled airspace (VFR lanes) This is a safety issue. We are getting clearance to 8000ft, how much higher do you want to go? Apart from that, why should we change? If I want to do anything extra, I can convert to GA to do it. Leave GA to commercial operations and RAA to fun flyers If everyone is convinced that the existing model is unworkable or needs changing, dont try and re-invent the wheel, look at what is working overseas and use that model As I said, just my thoughts
  4. WAKEY....WAKEY!!!!!!! Has everyone gone to sleep ..........or are you too afraid??????:stirring pot::stirring pot: It seems the rhyming has lost its timing, and the satire has gone to bed will anyone respond or has the fear gone to their hed..
  5. My grandsons call it 'Freeballing'
  6. AAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh.............triple bugga..... :off topic:And it came to pass......
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Tomo Threaded phenomenon of rhyming and for some, sighing.... ======== Haha, Doubt locksy will help stop it, he's the king of rhymes... The challenge has been issued by young tomo.......can locksy resist the urge to rhyme long enough to save the NESsers...........i_dunno Another challenge, what will it bring, Tomo declared locksly the rhyming king But the Rat has emerged to steal his thunder All this rhyming....I want to chunder..... Oh double bugga
  8. This really gets up my nose, I dont like prose, but worst of all and most of the time, I dont like prose disguised as rhyme........... Oh bugga.......
  9. The challenge has been issued by young tomo.......can locksy resist the urge to rhyme long enough to save the NESsers...........i_dunno
  10. Now now young tomo, that is not the right attitude to have. When you eventually do get a mother in law you will realise that it is not a waste of a car.............
  11. OH NO........the dreaded rhyming curse has befallen the NES members. Oh woe is us..... what will we do ........who will save us? But wait, look up there, is it a Rat, is it a Darkone..........Nooooooo it is..................
  12. Now, now.....we dont want any nasty surprises here. You Queen..slanders will have to behave yourself or .........
  13. or as they say down south........"bloody northeners"............
  14. All you have to remember is "I did it"
  15. "Ah-ha, ze mysterious case of ze missing pussy" thought Poirotplaney "Zis is somezing I can get my teeth into" he pondered "I might need to call on the ze assistance of zat legal eagle The Dark One" .........
  16. Con gratulations:clap:
  17. Sorry, I was con fused, there is only 1 to go...................
  18. Bugga!!!!! 3 more to go......
  19. My con tribution to the con tinuing NES on con stant con abulation in order to reach the con clusion at 4000 is con tained herein
  20. Bryon


    .... a lack of interest
  21. Is that an agism quote? :gerg: Not all hounds over a certain age have grey hair, and besides, it makes them look distinguished :ilmostro:
  22. Bryon


    That doesnt add up or balance.....
  23. Bryon


    Everyone is trying to cash in on this thread:roflmao:
  24. Congratulations, you now belong to a very exclusive club You are now a pilot...
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