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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. The root cause of the problem is determining how much flutter it takes to create a snatch. From previous calculations it can be shown that where a certain number of flutters (x) is reached, a snatch is the outcome, therefore the next thing to determine is the square root of a snatch in order to find a snatched root of the first magnitude.......
  2. Studies also show that most people are apathetic, but who cares...?
  3. Key Proposal 7 – Withdrawal of CAR 166 paragraph (3)(a) carriage of a serviceable VHF radio if making a straight-in approach no longer required (other than at certified, registered and other designated aerodromes) Disposition of Responses No. of Responses Acceptable without change 58 Acceptable but would be improved if changed 5 Not acceptable but would be acceptable if changed 9 Not acceptable under any circumstances 99 Not stated 41 Total = 212 Key Proposal 8 – Withdrawal of CAR 166 paragraph (3)(b) - specific mandated broadcast for straight in approaches deleted (although still recommended in CAAPs/AIP) Disposition of Responses No. of Responses Acceptable without change 70 Acceptable but would be improved if changed 5 Not acceptable but would be acceptable if changed 9 Not acceptable under any circumstances 95 Not stated 33 Total = 212 It appears that CASA have really listened!!!!
  4. Young Tomo, the last time I saw you on Saturday night you were trying to decide whether to go into town to the dinner or go to the movie in Hangar B. I dont think your mum was worried whatever you did, you just had to make up your mind... PS, sorry I missed saying bye to you and your Mum on Sunday morning, but the weather was too good to delay our departure
  5. "BULLDUST" roared lockslie, "I only meant to sneak into Tomorra to peek a sneek at the lovely Mrstomosmum() and nobody was there to.....
  6. "Flatulation????? that would mean everyone would have to change direction to account for the prevailing winds. Unless of course, you were north of......
  7. I reckon its Darks with a server and remote Isps.......... have you seen how she pretends to be asleep on cam in the chatroom, but we cant see her hands and the keyboard............... Very suspicious And there was that rumour about her and a young queen...slander????:face and heart: And that ahlow is a slippery character, keeps disappearing fore no reason and then pops up when you least expect it Maybe she is allthree :confused:
  8. Did you mean the spotty orange plane parked as close as possible to the tea urn at the Recfly tent???:hittinghead:
  9. ...call in the family enforcer (tunobrixtomo ) to gently perswade peepels that Aunty Flo :queen: from Cecilsplanes was the Godmother of all Pumpkins (and ElRatto). This had the rorts running in all directions and it was only Sir Locksly :ecstatic:who could.......
  10. You heathen, dont you know that he had both legs removed and Stumps is my middle name, otherwise I would be called "He who walks in circles"
  11. "Ere, dont bring me into this as I am trying to impress Tomos Mum" :polite: said GoodlookingyoungishBryon What would she think of someone droppin motions all over the place???? She may even think I am Rattusgoldusmolar in disguise:bounce: SmoothtalkinBryon is hoping to catch up with her at RatsnestFly and convince her that all this talk of Sultrydarks as a daughter inlaw may be a bit presumptious (unless the rumours prove to be true) :spam: Besides, I will be ............ open to offers to join CEORATS staff (with the appropriate bribe, of course)
  12. My Mum must have known something cos she had a crush on Douglas Bader and give me my middle name after him. I guess it was a gift from me Mum
  13. Damn, beaten to the keyboard by ahlocks :hittinghead: once again (but it is funny:laugh:)
  14. Young Tomo the queen.....slander rose to his full height, removed his protective eye covering and said.. "How dare you sir (young tomo was still full of youthful respect:beg:) that is an AIRCRAFT! Your slanderous assertions have cast aspertions on the chosen craft of the grassrooters" At this display of vernacular mastery, BartwhoXXXXslast and lowpowerin fell back amazed, Darksvader exhaled loudly and swooned :face and heart: and his Mum just smiled knowingly:chuffed:. Motza (the now dumbfounded ) could not believe that someone would challenge him in such a way and.........
  15. Winston, welcome and enjoy the training As far as the safety aspect is concerned, I always maintain that I spent 20% of my time learning to fly and 80% learning how not to crash As Tomo said, it is more dangerous driving to the flying field than it is flying
  16. plate of Pumpkin scones just like me old Aunty Flo used to make" said El Ratsack and quickly slapped his hand to his mouth He had inadvertantly (big word - means stuffed up :uhoh2:) let the family secret out "Did anyone notice" he thought, "Maybe I can................
  17. Cheeky young bugga.....
  18. Its OK Tomo, me and me mate are camping under the wing at Natfly, so you wont be on your own I will be the good looking one with grey hair and me mate is the ugly one with no hair
  19. Wheres the drummer??????? .........and I dont want a whole heap of smart a**e drummer jokes either.
  20. Last year I did the luggage run to Naromine in the car. This year, it will be a J170. Me and my mate spending some serious time around aircraft My first ever flying flyin Doing the whole lot, flying in, camping under the wing,. going to every forum we can and trying to place faces to RecFlying forum names I am looking forward to meeting and talking with a lot of people
  21. Do they let you ride on the "special" bus:roflmao:
  22. Well done Wolf, it just keeps on getting better!!!!!
  23. I want to own my own (eventually) but am happy to look at a syndicate, owning and cross-hiring or just striking up a mutually beneficial friendship with an existing owner Whatever keeps me in the air If the existing owner is female, single and not too fussy, I am even willing to put my body on the line for flying
  24. I wasn't allowed to drive until cleared by the cardiologist (after rehab, (2 months)), but I wasn't allowed to mow the lawn, wash the dishes or for the wife to argue with me for at least 3 months (she really struggled with that ) I asked for an extension of time with the mowing washing and arguing, but he could only give me what the law allowed:crying:
  25. Rocketdriver, I had 3 stents fitted due to chest pain in June last year. After 6 weeks rehab, I asked my cardiologist for a clearance certificate to drive, work and fly. he checked me out and was happy to give me one but said just to make sure that no-one can argue against it, I had to do a heart function test (nearly killed me) I passed that and 2 months after my heart event I showed my certificate to my CFI and he tossed me the keys to the plane and said OK I wanted to try for GA and passed a level 2 medical but Casa said I would not be able to exercise the privileges as a pilot until six months after the heart event and then I would have to do another heart function, pass another level 2 medical, get a statement from my cardiologist attesting to my health now and my health before the event (how would he know, I never knew him before I had my stents fitted) and then it would be up to Casa to make a decision. I gave up and now enjoy flying RA only. (I wanted to get a GA license to fly aerobatics to improve my handling skills) I would recommend a heart function test for your own peace of mind and once you pass that, enjoy your flying
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