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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. Will you guys stop writing gobbledegook!!!!!! How can I read the emoticons if you keep putting words inbetween em:roflmao:
  2. "It is not what we bang,.... but how we bang it that makes it interesting" PS...still :stirring pot:
  3. "Gentleman and Ladies, the general tone and intellectual level of the NES has taken a giant step up" he thundered :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up: "To acknowledge humble drummers :drums: as percussionists is a quantum leap in manners" "You are all to be congratulated and ...................... PS :stirring pot:
  4. (Said in pompous tone :rolleyes1:) One should really treat with disdain such remarks from the unwashed rabble They only have a go at us because of their inferiority complex, but I assume it amuses them!! :stirring pot: And just to keep the NES off thread What's worse than telling jokes about guitarists? Laughing at 'em. What did the guitarist do when his teacher told him to turn his amplifier on? He caressed it softly and told it that he loved it.
  5. :drums: Q: How can you tell a guitarist is at your door? A: By the Dominos Pizza hat. Q: What do a guitar solo and premature ejaculation have in common? A: You know it's coming and there's nothing you can do about it. Now back to the thread or I will sic Ian on to you all (Heathens!!!)
  6. WARNING....WARNING....WARNING....!!!!!!:DirtDOG: Drummers are people too......... :drums:It is typical of the lower intellect classes (obviously a guitarist :guitarist: with too much time on his hands) to ridicule those of the superior class Kindly desist and refrain in the future or the great god of music may smite thee:rilla::rilla::rilla::DJ::musicboohoo: And now "Now - back to our NEwS....."
  7. Just got back from LA and whilst over there found some ERASABLE highlighters. Now I can see my track on the map very easily At $1.99 ea it was a good investment
  8. Got mine the other day, ..........now all I have to do is find a way to stick "Real Pilots Slip it In" on "She Who Must Be Obeyed's" car without her noticing for a couple of days:hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead:
  9. HELLOOOOOOOOO, is every NESser asleep? Three days and no additions, what is happening???????:no no:I need my daily fix
  10. Looks great slarti, go for it Cheers Bryon
  11. What gamesmanship by ahlow:stirring pot: Only he would dare to introduce logic into prose Can this mean that the NES will change direction? Will the prosers protest? Does a birds feather tickle your fancy? (wrong post)
  12. This is my first one flying in, as last year I drove to Narromine (ground support and luggage transport vehicle) (bloody long way but worth it) Do I need to book a place in the underwing camping area or do I just rock up? Cheers Bryon
  13. Can I have two more with 'real pilots slip it in', user name Bryon Cheers Bryon (I will have to beg forgiveness from the missus)
  14. That looks great slarti' you have my approval
  15. How dare you -I resemble that remark!!!! The only thing I have rustled is a possum skin thong whilst watching a parade of .......
  16. "Made in China" he thought I will transfer all the emoticons to China and engage an offshore company to monitor the service requirements From now on, all requests for emoticons must go through a call centre somewhere in India.:lol 8: "How devilishly fiendish am I" thought Mahatmarat "this will...........
  17. Can I order 4 please Slogan - "Flying gets you high" Usernames - 2 of "Bryon" and 2 of "Henry Bonks" Cheers and great job by all Bryon
  18. Tomo, Rapunzal is a young chick with long blonde hair......
  19. ....and then Rapunzal threw down her hair and said...........:man flying:
  20. See what you have done Turbs! Do not encourage him, the rashness of youth will only keep him trying to outdo the wisdom of age.:no no: He has gone a bit dotty in his growth spurt
  21. ...."but I can't see what else I did that was so bloody bad that they have to withdraw me flamin' license. Can you?" I think the only thing he did wrong was to be so considerate of the CASA guys state of health:laugh:
  22. ....with a penchart (aviation term for map of Pen. Not to be confused with a series of repeated words commonly called a chant) for furry underwear. This has lead to cries of.....
  23. What a brave rat!!!!!:thumb_up:
  24. sheer kevlar gussett cleverly attached to a.........
  25. Well done and keep flying. It only gets better
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