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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. Looxoory Bex, why when we went to school, we had a maths teacher named Flick Patterson He was called Flick, cos of his habit of picking his nose and rolling it into a ball whilst writing on the blackboard...and if you made a noise or werent working when he turned around..........he could flick a ball of boogers with deadly accuracy
  2. ...time that he had been threatened with the "REVENGE OF THE CORGIS" He knew that terriers were superb ratters and a thing to be feared, but Corgis were a whole different kettle of ratters. Not even a Casa ramp check invoked this much fear in him...and all he had done was..........
  3. .........expose the truth that E Paul is really Harold H Holt who escaped from the Russian submarine by disguising himself as a nuke-le- ear torpedo which......
  4. ....about certain views of Madges anatomy (NTTIAWWT) and pretend that they were choir boys (Reverend Rattarse ....as he was known then,,.....) gave him a......
  5. ....reminded him of the ring he put through....
  6. Rats...beaten to the reply by the feral Rattus agin....
  7. ..Adolfus Epilettus from FFNQ who......
  8. SDQDI, its the arthritis that gets to me...lol
  9. Bex, dont you know that more than a mouthful is a waste....
  10. How many years porridge did he get?.........
  11. ...lack of human affection as a child which made him turn to all things mechanical for love" Madge piped up with "You should see his collection of....
  12. ...hunting roos whilst smiling and aviating is a big no-no BUT...possum poaching was allowed near Bang-it-holme which gave a distinct advantage to the Turdbro This freedom to pot possums from 300ft or less (Avref) caused the local CWA some consternation as they.....
  13. ...will only fail every 400 hours becos you guys dont unnerstand that they are tuned for FnQ, not Vic or SA (NTTIAWWT) and dont run em properley Youse guys have to learn to......
  14. ...the two Scottish waiters, Ben Dover and Phil McKracken....
  15. Forget the aircraft fuselages, get the alcohol....Oh, they already have..bummer
  16. ...or Nev stirring....
  17. .....certain members of the Gumly Gumly CWA who had been visiting the BoB incognito (NTTIAWWT) These certain members were only too willing to talk about.......
  18. ...Laktater, the little lurker from Lower Lavington lurched into leering distance and .........
  19. I used to go to the local hardware store and buy a pound of sulphur and a pound of saltpetre We made our own gunpowder for marble guns that we had made
  20. At age 14, taking my semi auto 22, borrowing granddads shotty and going hunting for wallaby or underground mutton to have for dinner on Sunday We usually came back with a feed
  21. Toothpaste and KY Gel have the same feel in the dark, but quite different effects...
  22. When you have been married as long as some of us, even an argument over sex is as good as it can get....
  23. ...wondering which hand to use. Should I be ambiguous and use both of them or.....
  24. ...Fowl-ler flap retract and smooth the airflow over his....
  25. I dont think it should matter what their mothers maiden name was....
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