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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. It is like other poor souls, lost in the wilderness, except it was only their clothes
  2. What has a number got to do with it?
  3. Turdbro is known for his cunning disguises
  4. ..."Bang-it-holme" yelled Nobu, our nipponese ninja of nefarious misdeeds for Cowla, the infamous Plisoner of Raw camp not far from Upper East Gumly Gumly where men are men and the sheep are scared "I charrenge you to a fly up" he shouted "Fly up" queried Turdbro "where is your plane?" "Fly up with possum burgers you pirrock, not fly up with prane. Do you not understrand Engrish?" At this insult to his use of the Queens language, Turdbro took umbrage (?ref), pulled himself up to his full height (or as much as he could reach) and said.......
  5. ...booobles" squealed one of the younger female hanger-onners (Klingons-avref) "If he has no boobles" said one of the hippies, "why is his voice.......
  6. ....but even Nana knew that St Madge would fail Any self respecting builder knew not to use round head rivets (especially near the buttocks area (tailplane ref)) as it increased wind turbulence and created strange vortexes across the.....
  7. I went to Flying Legends in 2006 and saw 16 spits in formation I dont hear the music All I hear is the engines from that time
  8. Noice noise...
  9. Dont string me along, post the joke....
  10. .......ignoring the cat (nice pussy......) next to him who slowly exposed a vicious looking claw and....
  11. ....and nanny (NTTIAWWT) for a group of forlorn sheep herders (as opposed to shepherds) from ENZED Turdbro thought that the food was OK but the sleeping arrangements........
  12. ...Jerkov, a small town near Upper Kumbukta West (not to be confused with Lower Kumbukta West just down the road) where......
  13. ....sounded sexy to all the young women who love a cock-a-knee (spikemilliganref) accent "Whose knee" squealed Mavis..... and ma Tante quickly followed with "whose .........
  14. I socket to you (Laugh in Reference).....
  15. ...may have a point here." "If we can teach Madge to speak wif a Sean Connery accent, they may think he is a complete nutter and will.......
  16. .....had Flim Tannery bolting for the door screaming...."Pollution, massive pollution, save the environment, save the.....
  17. ...."Who let that dog out?"........
  18. ....Nobu stepped up and shoved two fingers down the Bored members throat to try and loosen the obstruction "Erky perky" wailed Turdbro, "you dont know where those fingers have been?" he said "Aaaah so, you cast asplertions on my ruse of fingrers" replied Nobu "My fingrers have onry bin rused for........
  19. ...the Great Seersucker (NTTIAWWT) hunt of 45 and the lesser known Small Seersucker Hunt of......
  20. Pooh, bugga, bum......beaten to the post by Bob.......
  21. ....sound like a demented jabirooter owner who had just found out that his.......
  22. ....without saying a word, donned his welding gloves and goggles, picked up his welding gun and .........
  23. .....litany of welded exhaust stub chronicles, followed by Nobu and the Cowla Harry Kiris resplendant in their.....
  24. ...Pox Doctor in need of a room full of brothel inmates "I resemble that rem...hic...ark" slurred Elratto resplendent in his......
  25. ...ready to run at the first sign of a loose possum skin jockstrap which....
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