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Everything posted by Bryon

  1. ........during winter, the icicles hang like ........
  2. ...nether regions of that naughty nymphet known as Ahlot-the-harlot, the ne'er-do-well who has a penchant for nobbly knees and french knickers which....
  3. ...cover his little boobles which are so enticing and....
  4. Cor blimey....
  5. ...is secretary of the Bang-it-home CWA Fairy Cake Sub-committee which......
  6. some of these jokes are fowl.....
  7. know Elratto and poxyloxie have lips that are waiting to be kissed at the BOB "Erky perky" said Mavis, "I would rather kiss a dead possum's moom" This immediately raised the hackles of all the Gumly Gumly RTLs (Right to Lifers) "How dare you desecrate a dead possum" they squealed like a pack of marauding seagulls "You never know where those lips have been" This upset Mavis, who, being fully understanding of the fiddly fi do and possums moom, immediately rose up to her full height, and alighting her used beercan carriage swirled up into the firmament and was henceforth seen only when......
  8. Eye have seen that before......lol
  9. 'Bullus shittus' came the call from the back of the BOB Everyone turned around and there was Elrattus, sitting right up the back, thumbs twiddling, whistling quietly to himself with a look of innocence on his face, trying to ignore Poxyloxy's advances and pink tutu "Point of order, Madam Speaker Madge" he said, "we all know that we have been treated like mushroomus.." This was an unusual outburst from Elrattus, who was known to be very quiet and placcid, who would not speak ill of anyone and generally did not make waves "When will you tell us all the facts about the great.........
  10. MCAAHNY to all:buddies:
  11. Now this is a fine example of NESSitude....where are the MM when you need em...Madge cant even spell /$&@@#%+# right I suppose we should be thankful that Nobu didn't try and say it..... and just in case I don't see you tonight at the BOB......MCAAHNY to all:ecstatic:
  12. ....the Madge looking over his shoulder like he does on a night out at the BOB "Who did that he yelled, who touched my.....
  13. ...brought back lots of delightful memories 'I remember having hair that colour when I was young and a stud' he mused "all the girls would.....
  14. Google Earth, Wallsend NSW (west of Newcastle, then go directly north of Name place, single part bitumen, part grass/gravel strip and 3 hangars)
  15. ...it was just about then that Elratto started to look worried. He knew a mutch (NZ sp) had to be struck on a rough abrasive surface to ignite it.....and the only ruff abrasive surface that was close and handy was.......
  16. ...he was expecting Nobu to respond. Madge was known to fancy something oriental to eat at times, and Nobu was quite proficient at procuring whatever he wanted It is said.....that in the full light of the moon, and with the clouds reflecting on the water, the Madge has been seen to take on the aura of......
  17. My avatar is me
  18. ....mooms in the direction of the BOB, the holy of holies (religious ref) where Poxieloxie and Elratto are....
  19. ...news of the forthcoming Quocka Socca game filtered through on the Ratphones Turdbros first thought was..."Maybe we could use Elratto as......
  20. somewhere near Le Bangholme (which is Francais for Le Knocking Shoppe) This relevation (sp) raised Turdy's ire (NTTIAWWT) to such a point that he......
  21. I hope your sister wasnt upset that you desisted her Nev.....what a way to get rid of siblings...lol
  22. ............in extreme circumstances, can unlock Elrattos beer fridge at the BOB This of course brings poxyloxie running as he always........
  23. If that is how you feel, then don't hang around. Just get on with the job....lol
  24. ......ve haf vays off makink you talk, said Mavis "Ooooooh sighed Poxalot..."I luff it ven you talk dirty to me, especially when you insist that I wear........
  25. .....is not something that you want a new girlfriend to find out about before you.......
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