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About tjcrofts

  • Birthday 17/07/1968


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  1. Thanks for the comments. Here is my setup with all the warning labels.
  2. Thought I would update this topic on my recent experience getting a Magnum Parachute repacked and new rocket after 6 years. I bought an Aeroprakt Vixxen with the Magnum parachute option which cost $6225 at the time. I discovered there was no agent in Australia allowed to do the repack so had to post the chute back to the Head office in the Czech Republic, Stratos 07. Cost $226 Australia Post. This was done in August 2022 but had customs delays and I did not get it back for 3 months. I was not allowed to fly in that time due to weight and balance changes. Then I paid $4021 to an Australian agent for that and a new rocket. It then took another 6 months to be delivered! The main problem seemed to be that it was Dangerous Goods and was flown to Queensland then trucked to Perth. Thankfully Aero Jacks at Jandakot were able to swapped over the rocket for me with few delays for $441. So for nearly the original purchase price and 9 months of hassle would I bother in 6 years again. No thanks. It also sparks the question, why fly with such Dangerous Goods anyway?
  3. I have flown more than 70 hours now in my Vixxen and it is beautifully balanced. Very little rudder needed.
  4. Will let you know when it finally arrives in a couple of weeks!
  5. Hi from YBUN.
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