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Everything posted by flyingbaz

  1. The bottom line dimension is 149mm
  2. I have the dimensions. I'm busy designing my panel at the monment Panel dimensions.pdf
  3. Nice work Mike
  4. This is a great document, thanks for the link. It's a complex topic and from what I can see, people are interpreting things in different ways. It looks like I am able to use my original configuration. The document states for Experimental. "ADS-B OUT equipment installed in these aircraft must meet the ADS-B standards in surveillance requirements and standards applicable to flight rules under which the aircraft is operated. No CASA approval is required for the ADS-B OUT system installation. Owners of these aircraft may elect to install equipment authorised under a TSO, in accordance with the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. Alternatively, owners of these aircraft may elect to purchase uncertified equipment."
  5. I hope some light can be shed on what for me is becoming a more complex topic the more I speak to people. Background In light of the current govt rebate for the purchase of ADSB, it seems there are 3 main criteria: A. Need a proof of purchase - no issue B. Need a registered aircraft - understood C. For fitted (other than the Sky Echo hand held) , need to have the installation / callibration signed off by an avionics LAME. This is the hard part. My Confusion I reached out to a LAME who insisted my configuration of Kanardia AETOS EFIS which will connect to a Trig TT21 Txpndr with ADSB out will not being certified and will therefor be non compliant. He stated I will need to have the Trig TN70 full compliance WAAS add on to make it certifiable (extra $4,800). Alternatively he suggested Garmin 335 - also with a price tag, and a larger interface on the panel. Even the Sky Echo he says is not compliant. As such he can't / won't sign off on my configuration of the AETOS and Trig combination. The aircraft is home built not fitted with certified avionics, but still good quality and not cheap products. Question I know people have purchased and received rebate for Sky Echo (which is apparently not certified). Has anyone managed to install a "non certified" configuration and managed to get it signed off, and received the rebate? I'd be keen to get people's input.
  6. Looks good Mike.. I had my wing frames on last week to set up aileron cables. All went really well. This week I made a wing stand ready for when I cover the wings. Just waiting on some back ordered cable to arrive so i can run the strobe light cables, then cover the wings. Will be in touch. Cheers Barry
  7. Looking good Mike. Enjoy the extra weight capacity, and look forward to hearing the feedback on performance.
  8. Thanks Glen, I've messaged you.
  9. I have a kit which is almost ready to ship from UK. I initially had a quote from C&H Freight who were very responsive to my questions and offered a quote earlier this year. Now that I'm getting ready to arrange shipping, I contacted C&H only to be told Christine has sold the business. She put me onto the new owner and have had no reply. I've made a few online enquiries and left a couple of messages at various companies with no replies. I'm reaching out to the wider aviation community to see if anyone can offer a recommendation of a reliable shipping company to get a quote from? I look forward to many responses. Barry
  10. Hi Duncan, call Bob Burns 0412 041 701, good luck. Cheers Barry
  11. Hi Duncan Maybe I can help. I have just had these 2 tanks manufactured for me by someone. If you message me, I can provide his details and see if he can help. He doesn't do this as a full time job, so not sure if he will be able to help. Good news is that he is in Brisbane. Barry
  12. No pint in trying to "flesh " this out
  13. I should have rather worded it to state I don't wish to get involved in a debate on this topic on this forum. That is what I meant. I'm happy to discuss and debate topics relevant to the forum. But I don't see the relevance or context to bring poilitical views into an aviation forum. That is my point. You're welcome to comment on me as you have done, but I won't be drawn into politcal debates as there are plenty other appropriate forums for this.
  14. You cannot draw a parallel between Israel and Russia. Israel is a country who's very existence is threatened every day by its neighbours (unlike Russia). The abhorrent reference to Israel as an apartheid state is baseless, and condemned even by our own governement (Australia). Israeli citizens enjoy equal rights in the country no matter their race religion or sexual orientation. I would gladly debate the politics of Israel with anyone. But I don't believe Rec Flying is the forum. I wouild also think that poliitical discussions remain outside of this forum. As such please do not respond to my post, as I will not reply to them.
  15. Of course it's possible to start by 2035. What this means is that the sale of NEW need to be electric. UK are starting soemthing similar by 2030 all new vehicles have to be electric. This doesn't meant the bowser suddenly dries up. If someone buys a petrol car in UK in 2029, there will have to be infrastructure to support it for at least 10 - 15 years if not longer. Even then there will always be fuel available for the old vintage cars etc. Maybe pricey but will be available. Just as film for cameras still exists today. Same for light aircraft engines. It will take a while for any transition to happen. Suffice it to say that this will be a problem our young kids may have to deal withj in a few decades time.
  16. My thoughts below for what they're worth. I don't think it's unreasonable to agree inexperience was the cause of the accident. Putting aside the "rich boy deserves it" (which I don't believe is fair), he was legal. However in Australia to get a driver license for a car you need 200 hours experience. This experience is not to teach you how to drive a car, anyone can drive a car with a few hours of practice. It's more around the situational awareness, reading other drivers, learning to drive to the conditions etc. After the Learning permit another 2 years of restricted driving eg. limited passengers, no high performance cars. etc. This goes to my point. He was perfectly legal and within his rights to fly what he did, but lacked the experience of a high performance A/C. If it were me and cash wasn't an obstacle, I would hire an instructor to be with me for the first 200 - 300 hours of flying this plane and get a professional opinion to confirm I were competent on my own before doing so.
  17. Thanks Danny, appreciate the input, my requirement would be tricycle. The Nynja is apparently soon to be released as a 600Kg (this has been going on for a few years though). If so it would give a significant payload advantage over the Bushcat. Would need to go for wing tanks to make it competitive, but wing tanks in them selves are more hassle than the fuselage, with the advantage though of better baggage space. I do like the composite fuselage cover on the Nynja, makes for a sleek looking plane. If 600Kg for both, and wing tanks on Nynja, the main differences would be: Nynja - higher cruise speed around 90K, better payload, longer time in air with larger tanks. Bushcat - More comfy I think, good looking plane, better representation in Australia, easier fuel management (fuselage tank, but less fuel). No question both would do the job for my purposes. I intend going to have a look and at least sit in each, if not try and get a quick flight in each. I will then decide. I'll go and look at your blog Barry
  18. Hi BlueAdventures Thanks for this informative reply. Is there any literature on the widening kit? Could I get in touch with Chris at all to get more info perhaps? I've heard about the wing tanks, and again are there any details I can obtain regarding installation, Header tank requirements etc. Look forward to your feedback. Barry
  19. Hi All I'm interested to know if anyone has flown both the Bushcat and the SR Nynja. I'd be keen to get impressions between the 2 planes, pluses and minuses, and obtain constructive comparisons. I've been through the specs, and it appears the Nynja is a faster plane with a higher payload, and possibly slightly cheaper to buy and build. The Bushcat has a wider cockpit for a more comfortable ride, but I'd be very interested in comparing the flying characteristics if anyone can offer input. Thanks for reading and look forward to hopefully interesting feedback. Barry
  20. Some pics from Avalon Airshow. They always bring it out at sunset, making great dramatic shots. Can't mistake the shape, silhouette or the exhausts. Love that plane.
  21. My introduction to flying was with gliding. I remember very distinctly going up with an instructor to around 10,000ft on a perfect gliding day with excellent cloud bases providing superb lift. He said he was going to take us up to the cloud base for me to experience the sensation of flying into cloud for a couple of seconds. As expected everything became grey and of course you lose immediate bearings and co-ordination. He immediately applied full air brakes and pushed the stick full forward to exit the cloud base. It was something I'll never forget. The power of cloud base lift and how quickly one loses orientation.
  22. flyingbaz

    FS 2020.

    I too have recently downloaded FS2020. I commissioned my son to build me a suitable PC and put in a suitable graphics card. It is quite resource intensive, and does need a well spec'd PC and Graphics card. I have ordered the Thrustmaster T16000 Flight pack which includes the Joy stick, throttle and pedals. Looking forward to it coming next week and practicing flying again.
  23. Enjoyed your video, and look forward to the others. Great trip by the looks of things
  24. Is it just me, or does it appear that Bestoff Aircraft (as a result Skyranger aircraft) web site no longer exists in Australia?
  25. Thanks Mark. I have investigated a company in Melbourne who does Alodining, but unless you surname is Martin and first name is Lockheed, they're not interested. But I'll investigate others. I haven't got a kit yet, but just doing my due diligence. Cheers Barry
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